Science Question


Active Member
Mar 23, 2001
Northern Rivers NSW Australia
As I've mentioned previously, I contribute to the ABC (Australian Braoadcasting Corporation) Science Forum.
Click here to enter the forum.

Occasionaly, my two interests (science and trains) cross fertilise.

Check this question out, click here to see the thread, and should you wish to reply to it, just click "reply".

No need to register, just use the "guest" login.

It is both a fun and serious forum, where there is no such thing as a silly question. :eek:

(BTW, they are having software probs with that forum, only to do with replies. Sometimes you need to reply "more than once" to get it through).


Jan 18, 2002
Scotland UK
Visit site
I just looked up "thingie" in the dictionary Woodie, apart from an obscure ancient spelling attributed to a race of people who enjoy walking upside down (it was mentioned :) ) I did find it.
It seems your reply to the Science question was 100% correct.

On a more serious note, the photo you posted was extremely good and I suspect you have prompted a number of youngsters to look more closely at this hobby. That is always a good thing if it gets them away from their playstation consoles and repetitive strain injury.

You're a splendid fellow with a fine sense of humour.
