Science Fiction Submarine

Bengt F

Active Member
Nov 26, 2005
Hi all ship builders,

On the Japanese 'Godzillu' monster paper models site, I found this science fiction-looking sub, which I think looks rather nice:

It looks a bit like Gerry Anderson´s Stingray, wouldn´t you say?

Hope you´ll like it,
Bengt :D
The submarine is from a Japanese SciFi film "Latitude Zero" with Joseph Cotton, Cesar Romero, Richard Jaeckel, and Patricia Medina. The movie featured two futuristic submarines, the good guys sub, the "Alpha", and the bad guys sub, the "Black Shark". This model is of the bad guy sub!
The movie is very odd, to say the least, but the submarines play good parts and battle each other a few times as I recall.
"Latitude Zero" Japanese Monster Movie

Hi Chris,

Thanks very much for the info about the film - I searched the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB) and this is what I came up with:

It seems like an interesting sci-fi movie, with almost "cult classic" status - "A funride for Jap monster movie lovers!". It would be nice to get hold of some bootleg video copy because there doesn´t seem to be any VHS videos or DVDs around . . .

A search on YouTube resulted in this very enlightening interview with a Japanese director of something called "Latitud Zero", which might not be the same thing:
For those of you who understand Spanish, there might be some clues, though.
The "Latitude Zero" movie was also called "Atragon II" for an international (English) audience but that didn´t yield any results on YouTube either.

All the best,
Bengt :D

PS (edited in): I found another (earlier) movie by the same director, Ishiro Honda, called "Matango / Attack of the Mushroom People" (1963).
I suppose it gives you some idea of what to expect from "Latitude Zero":

I tried to dowload the graphic files but I got an error message (403 - forbidden). Can You give me the files?

Thanks, Nando:)
Ishiro Honda was considered a very good director in Japan. He directed a good number of films, including the original Godzilla. He also often worked with Akira Kurasawa as his second unit director. I had the pleasure of spending an evening with him many years ago in Tokyo. He was a very gentle and intelligent man.
Having said that, Latitude Zero is not a great movie. It's very comic bookish and corny. The DVD is not yet available in the US, but is supposed to be released later this year some time. It's worth renting, but I'm not sure it's worth buying!

I downloaded the files, one by one, without any problems, and they look sharp at 100% in Photoshop CS. They are png files,
entitled png Ah, Bh and Ch.
I suppose I could convert them to jpg files and send them to you by mail but try again on your own first. Save them one at a time to your desktop, then open them in Photoshop or similar image program.

Thanks, Gerardo,

for the clarification - I didn´t think that this was in any way connected to the movie. The 'director' is far to young to have been able to direct a movie production back in 1969.


Thank you very much for your insightful information on japanese film director Ishiro Honda. The original "Godzilla" movie is by many considered a cult classic sci-fi/horror movie and having worked with Akiro Kurosawa definately ranks Honda in a special category, even if this movie is considered a 'turkey'.

You learn something new every day.

All the best,
Bengt :D
The 'Black Shark' Sub

Aw right, Rick,

It seems you (and Chris) had it figured all along - thanks for the link with the additional information on the sub model. I look forward to seeing pictures of your build of this model.
I assume we can quite safely translate the Japanese name "Kurosame" for the film sub to "The Black Shark". This is indeed a worthwile card modelling project - this sub has very sleek and attractive lines. I think I´ll try it myself.
At "Toho Kingdom" we get to know a little more about the 'Black Shark' sub (length, speed, etc), with a picture of the actual model from the film:

Bengt :D

Rick has already finished the Black Shark

in his blog he has various pictures of various build stages

Black Shark Sub

Thanks Rick,

I´d better take a closer look . . .

Bengt :D

PS.(Edited in): Yes, I´ve seen all the stages of the construction now - a very handsome build. Truly inspiring. Thanks Rick!
Black Shark Sub

Hi Rick,

Yes, I recognize it now - thanks. Sometimes it pays off to take the time to scroll down to the very bottom of each page . . .

It´s a beautiful model. I think your joints look finer than the model presented above.

All the best,
Bengt :D