Savage - Class destroyer

  • Thread starter Diderick A. den Bakker
  • Start date

Diderick A. den Bakker

Am looking for a paper model of a Savage class destoyer, British navy, late 40ties to early sixties. Does anyone no of one?
DAdB, Holland
Hi Diderick,

Check out Michael Krol's Gremir Models site, he has a 1/200 scale HMS Savage, just what you are looking for.

He takes PayPal or you can use a credit card with PayPal toget the funds to him. You get the model as a download with a viewer that allows you to print as many copies of the model as you desire. Pretty excellent service from what I have observed and I have about 15 or 20 of his kits.
savage class

Thanks for your tip! I knew the name Gremir, but had never seen their site. Looks good.
Diderick A. den Bakker
You are most welcome, oddly enough, I am currently working on this very ship model. I have the hull form together and skinned at this point, hopefully I will have some time to get going on adding some of the deck structures this week.

Perhaps you can help... Downloading the model was no problem, then I got the Data viewer unlock attachment. Then I tried and tried - it does not work, and Gremir's advice was not very helpful either.
After downloading I have a zip file icon on my desktop - what do I do next!!??
Hi Diderick,

First off, do you have a program to unzip the file? I use Bit Zipper, it is available online in a free 30 day trial option or for purchase for $24.95. If you just want to unzip the one file, go for the 30 day free trial, unzip the file and click on the .exe installer file to install the viewer so you can open the kit. Once it is installed on your computer, open the unlock notice and copy the rather lengthy unlock code by starting with your cursor on the first letter or digit, hold the left mouse button down and run the cursor down the length of the code, it should high light it. Right click with your mouse to open the dialog box and select copy. Now you have to open the model file where ever it is, ie. documents, program files and then open the file folder with the model in it. Paste the unlock code in that file by doing the right click anywhere inside the file and selecting paste. You can close all those files down now, open up the Model Viewer and it should open up with your model all set to print, look at the instructions, and run down the list of photographs that he includes of the model being built in stages to help you out in building your version.

If you have any other problems give me a shout and I will see what I can do.
Unzipping the file doesmot seem to be the problem: I can open all parts (instructions, pictures) except the actual model pages.
However, I cannot open the unlock-file - could that be the problem?
HI Diderick,

Open the E Mail message that has the unlock code, it will be an attachment, click on it by left clicking it with your mouse then right click, a options box will open, click "Save As". Go to your start menu on your computer, click on the "Computer" file to open it. Double click on your Drive Icon once the computer file opens, it should be Drive "C". When it opens locate the "Program" Files icon and when it opens look for the file named "GreMir 006 HMS Savage". Open it and paste the unlock code in that file. Close every thing back down, open the GreMir HMS Savage file on your desk top. If you did everything right, you should now be able to look at and most importantly print out your models' pieces parts.
I am losing all confidence in computers and myself, and in the security procedures of Gremir. Did exactly what you said - no result. Again: when I try to open the unlock-attachment, I get the message that my computer doesn't recognise the file - so I can't open it. Can that be the cause of the trouble? Should Gremir send a different unlock file? Thanks for your patience!
Hi Diderick,

You don't want to open the attachment file, just "save as". Open the E Mail Michael sent you so that you can see the attachment just below the address header. Left click on it to highlight it, then right click to open the dialog box. You will have some options listed, one of them will be "save as". Run your cursor down the list until that function is highlighted and click on it. The file is now saved to your clipboard.

Now you have to open your "Programs" File to access the Model folder. Go to your Start menu, click on the Windows Icon on your toolbar and when it opens, click on "Computer". When that opens, select your main drive, usually listed as "C:". When that opens run down the list until you locate the "Programs" File and open it. You are looking for the Gremir Models file with "006-HMS Savage" on it. Open it, right click on your mouse and you will see the options list again, this time the "Paste" command will be the one you want to click on. That transfers the saved file from the E Mail attachment to the Model file. Close that all down then click on your Gremir Models file on your desktop, when it opens you should be able to open up the model pages at this point.

The first time you do this it can be a real trip, but once you do it properly you will see how it works and it really is easy. Remember, you aren't trying to open the file, just saving it and transferring it to the model folder so that it realizes that it is unlocked and it is okay to show you all the pages listed.
With this detailed explanation I finally managed to get the files to open - thanks for your help.
Can't help thinking that there must be simpler ways: paper modellers are not generally computer wizards as well...
Hi Diderick,

I am glad that you persevered and can now enjoy an excellent card model of the HMS Savage. When you do start to print out your models pages, remember to do the printer check the first time around, Michael provides a "Nag" pop up for this. It insures that your printer and the program are on the same wavelength before you print out the pages. Another nice feature of the viewer is that you can alter scale if you want in either direction. With the instructions as well as profuse photos of the model being built, it is like a miniature practicum on the subject at hand. Good luck with your ship model, we look forward to seeing it come to life on the forum.