SAAR 2 Missile Boat


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
Hi all,
Scratch-building a warship is a new experience for me. For my first project I chose to build an Israeli Navy missile boat of the SAAR 2 type. This boat is 45m length, 7m wide and a displacement of 220 ton. Model scale is 1-100, so the boat will be 45 cm length and 7 cm wide.
Development of the missile boat area in the Israeli Navy started in the 60's, when it was understood that the threat from Russian missile boats typs Komar and Osa, can be controlled only with a new type of missile boats and a new see-to-see missile – the Gbrial . The hull is based on the German Navy torpedo boat Type 140 – Jaguar, and because of technical and political reasons, boats were build in a French shipyard.
In total 12 units were delivered (one way or another …), and at the beginning they served as gun boats with 3 40mm guns (first attached picture) as Saar 1 type. Later they were updated to SAAR 2 missile boats (second picture) with 5 missile launchers (2 fixed forward and 3 on a rotational launcher at the rear) and two 40mm guns (one forward and one rear).



OK, enough with history, and back to modeling. My first challenge was to fined top, profile and section drawings. After a long internet search I have found some medium quality drawings from 2 different sources, and scaled them up to 1-100 scale.
The model is build of frames, and the hull plating, are formed on the frames and than scaned and painted with a paint-shop program – first time for me.






One of this missile boats INS Mibtach (with partial weapons feet) is presented in the Navy museum in Haifa, and it is a great help for me in this modeling job.


Shalom Mor
Great work!!!! Good start on what looks to be a very demanding project. Good luck & looking forward to an update.
Hi all,

While plating the hull, I compare the model to the profile drawing, and have found that the bow should be raised.


Luky enough, the plating was not to advance, and could change the bow angle. To be shore this time, I re-check it and compare to the drawing deck and keel.



Ths SAAR type missile boats were designed to a high speed, and the bow shape looks complicated.



To help me with the desighn, did some prptotype plating with marking the edge lines of the bow shape.



In parallel to the hull, started modeling the bridge, but this for the next time.

Shalom Mor
Hi every one, thanks for the interest and comments.

To day I am concentrating on the bridge. In this model the bridge is compact and it's front is curved in two directions, as seen in the picture (side fittings are of a latter configuration).


First step was to design a fram, that around it bridge modeling is done.


Bridge modeling is done from 3 maine parts - front, sides and maine structure. To cureve the front panel, I bonded the printed part on another paper, pressed it on a curved glass, and let it dray. The maine structure was build separately and bonded.





Parts are scaned and painted by Paint Shop program. Inner side panels are done separately, and as I am planing to use this design for a future SAAR 3 model, design will be updated as it developed.

Now it's time to continue with the hull.

Shalom Mor
Nice work Shalom. It's already much nicer than the one issued over 30 years ago by Maarchot-Yam :mrgreen:
Hi all, thanks to Olli, Shoda and PlnoiAlomni for the encouraging responce. Around 40 years ago there were very basick models (water line) off saar 2 and saar 4 models, published by Israely Navy Magazine.

Before continuing the modelling, whant to present the designed parts of the bridge (not to scale). Thanks in advance for any comments and improvements for the design.


In the model, continue building the hull. Added two mor patrs, for the under water part. Tried to do the forward end from one part, but had to cut it to two parts, and do some adjustments.





Now, need to fined the design for modeling the bow with it's "wave braker" as seen in some of the pictures.

Shalom Mor
Hi Roger,

This is an interesting question, first of all I need to finish this model. To make this model a commercial kit, required an effort to organize all the desinged parts with instructions. My target is to finish the model to the end of this year, and than will see ....


Shalom Mor
Hello 'Mor',

First of all, am I correct in assuming your name might be Mor? I don't know a lot about Israeli's but I think 'shalom' is a parting greeting like 'see you later?'

Anyway, your model looks very good indeed and I would just like to reinforce my interest in having one and I think from posts on this thread there just might be a couple of others who could be interested?

On another note I hope you are in a safe part of Israel and you and your family remain safe.

Roger in OZ.
Hello Roger,

Here in Israel we usually go by the first name, so Shalom is my first name, and Mor is my familly name. The word Shalom has many meanings in Hebraw.

Regarding the model, I am moving forward, and hope to have another update soon.

I am living in a small sity called Shoamin in the middle of Israel, and most of the time feeling safe, the wrong impresion from looking at CNN is that most of the time it's very "noisy" here.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Shalom Mor
Hello Roger,

I am living in a small sity called Shoamin in the middle of Israel, and most of the time feeling safe, the wrong impresion from looking at CNN is that most of the time it's very "noisy" here.

Shalom Mor

You probably meant Shoham. :wave:
Thanks Shalom, for clearing things up and I await pics of the finished model. Another question, what does 'PloniAlmoni' mean by "Shoham"?

When finished and available for us to buy I think this craft will make a very interesting addition to the 1/144th scale boats I'm beginning to create under my label

"Allied Light Coastal Forces 1914-45" which of course I can extend to more modern Fast Attack Craft.

Thanks Shalom, for clearing things up and I await pics of the finished model. Another question, what does 'PloniAlmoni' mean by "Shoham"?


Hello Roger,
I am living in a small sity called Shoamin in the middle of Israel,
Shalom Mor

His pen probably slipped and wrote the word "in" twice, so I corrected it...
But if you are talking about the letter 'h' in the middle of that word, then
when writing Hebrew terms in English, we sometime drop the 'silent' sounds, but the word has the meaning anyway. This is true for all languages, that something gets lost in the way.
Hi all, more progres with hull and deck.

Continue the hull plating, and finding a good solution for the "wave braker" shape.


Deck was designed from two parts, but for some adjustments, had to cut the rear one in two parts. In this boats the deck is curved to make the hull stronger. To give it this shape without formers, I bonded a 1mm thick, 4mm wide card strip in the midle to the model to full length, and bonded the deck to it. After this, bonded the deck sides to the hull, and than inserted two more strips at the sides to keep the deck plating under tension.



Thats all for this time, holidayes are over, and I am afraid that progres will be slower.

Shalom Mor
Hi all, more progres with the top structure.

After designing the top structure parts, building them was standard to card modeling. Best way is to talke with pictures ....





Some close-ups of the bridge area




Next steps are the mast, missile launcher and the 40mm guns. To model the gun I need some help, it is a bofors 40mm as seen in the next two pictures. Any help with more detail drawings and pictures will be very appreciated.



Thanks for any help,

Shalom Mor