RVR Update


Active Member
Nov 6, 2001
Edmonton AB
Just a quick update on my layout's progress.

I have completed the framing for four of the five main modules, and have the lumber cut for the fifth. A sixth module, including a helix, will be added when time/$$$ permits.

Garage is cleaned out and a corner ready for the layout to be setup.

I will be purchasing lumber for legs, and lag bolts to attach them to the benchwork, and the benchwork to each other, with the new release of $$$$ when May happens upon us.

Design of the track plan is complete (although it will undoubtedly "wiggle" as construction starts); I've also decided on most of the industries to be established, and where they'll be - I've also developed waybills for most of them. I also recently completed car cards for every rail unit in my collection, and have a good draft of an operating manual.
Sounds as if you are really having some fun, can't wait to see some pics of the new area and A sixth module, including a helix.

Hi Mike,
No need to bother with your scanner, if your track plan was drawn on the computer, it is in a file on your hard-drive, just export it to paintshop pro or some other paint proggy and save as a jpg. Make sure it's no bigger than 100kb and upload it via the browser here.

Michael if you plan to knock the modules down anytime and then back up again, I'm sure you thought about keying them somehow other than with the bolts. On my modules, in addition to the bolts, I used two 1/2 " dowels for alignment. With the modules bolted together, I drilled thru both with a 1/2" drill. I cut a dowel to length (thickness of both modules), rounded one end, and glued the other end in one module only. Makes for a positive alignment when you bring both sections back together. :)

Bill P.
While waiting not so patiently for tomorrow's release of new train budget, I've been keeping busy with other projects. I built some more cars, weathered some more, and tonight I was busy painting a tank car and a stock car in RI blue. Doubtful they ever had such beasties, but :D :D .

I'm looking forward to my undec snowplow, which will find itself also in the Rock Island stable (black like the prototype though). I'm going to dedicate an entire consist to snow duty, and keep it on standby more often than not.

I've also completed car cards for all my rail cars, and indicated the ones that need additional repair work - quite easy to see what needs to be done that way. I've even got an operating manual, and waybills for the industries I've planned for the layout (no point in printing those until at least some spurs are actually built).

Next task now that I get a new budget tomorrow AM - complete assembly of the fifth module, then put legs on all the modules, and then connect all of 'em together. With any luck, I'll actually be able to lay some track in May (but I'm not holding my breath).