rock molds and modeling geology

Santa Fe Jack said:
I thought this was a geology thread.

Yeah, I guess it is.hamr I meant more of the lines of either a moderator setting up a forum in the reference section where this thread would reside and have a geology gallery, or something like that.
jack - if that is what you are looking for - consider modelling the fold/thrust belt in western wyoming along the UP. Tilted rocks, folds, coal seams... Or then there are the monoclines of the colorado plateau - but no rairoads make it through the interesting parts of the plateau. The old D&RGW mainline from the colorado border into provo, ut has some interesting stuff. typical mezozoic colorado plateau seds with some tertiary cover in the west from green river to about helper, and from helper west things get more interesting. Tons of tunnels, and the thistle landslide, of course.

Good suggestions! Do you know where I could find any photos? If not - it would be time to schedule a field trip! :thumb:

One problem with modeling the Bandelier Tuff is that there are no trains anywhere near the area - the topography is simpy too rough. They have to get all the nuclear weapons in and out of Los Alamos on trucks, unfortuantely. :rolleyes:
well, if you want to take the road trip, both routes I mentioned are nearly completely followed by roads. I would suggest driving to green river, utah, then from there to helper and price, and then pop over the mountains to Provo. Next, follow I-15 north to ogden, then take I-84 to I-80 east all the way to Rock Springs, WY. From there, you can head over the uinta mountains via flaming gorge and wind up back in vernal and green river. I have been on all of these roads extensively, and they are VERY scenic, but not recommended during the winter :) Or, you could take amtrak from salt lake to denver for about a hundred bucks one way.

If you want photos - I think trains and MR both covered the old d&rgw main line through utah back around 2003. The wyoming UP line is part of the original transcontinnental route - and you shold have no problems finding photos of that.

One geologic feature I am struggling with right now is the transition from large boulders I have on a mountain and along a stream/lake in front of it. The rocks on the mountain are done in a brown tone and I really would like to have a beach on the lake front with a boat dock. My difficulty is how do I color the sand? It would not look right to me to have brownish sand. I have a sand collection (from my sister, long story) that is small enough in scale, one is very white, one is dirty white and one is grey. I guess I will go with the dirty white and maybe have a dump truck pouring it in to simulate a man made beach at a resort or something.
Hey, Terrapin! :wave:
[Looks like we share some interests, as I am a Dead Head, train nut, and I also have a sand collection. Got a VW bus? :)]
Anyway - consider that the boulders would probably come from the cliff, so they should match in color and structure. The sediment in the stream, however could be derived from provenance (where it came from) upstream, and so need not match. If this looks too out of place, perhaps you could color the white sand with a pigment to match the boulders...
Many times the color in a sandstone is really the "cement". One the rock is weathered down to sand grains, the color fades. So, in your case, it would be fine to use tan sand even though your rocks are brown.

Santa Fe Jack said:
Hey, Terrapin! :wave:
[Looks like we share some interests, as I am a Dead Head, train nut, and I also have a sand collection. Got a VW bus? :)]
Anyway - consider that the boulders would probably come from the cliff, so they should match in color and structure. The sediment in the stream, however could be derived from provenance (where it came from) upstream, and so need not match. If this looks too out of place, perhaps you could color the white sand with a pigment to match the boulders...

Great minds think alike. :wave:

I think the prvenance angle will be very helpful, the river winds around my mountain and disappears so I am going to try to mix some "greyish boulders" along it and make it look like they are being pushed down the stream. Round ones are probably the shape that would be correct. I am also planning on making some smaller beaches along the inside of the curve of the river and tapering it toward the center. Another thing I noticed from studying pictures is that there is a darker colored strip of sand where it stays wet and then a distinct band of dry sand forms. Not sure yet how I will do that.
nachoman said:
Many times the color in a sandstone is really the "cement". One the rock is weathered down to sand grains, the color fades. So, in your case, it would be fine to use tan sand even though your rocks are brown.


I am hoping that this will work, I think this is how I will try to do it.