Rock Island Model Rosters


No problem man. I can wait till tomorrow. There are actually 8 roads, but MOW and Amtrak are easily taken care of. LOL!

Thanks so much. I sent you an email. Hope you got it.


Thanks for your valuable input. I will come to you when I start creating my waybills and train orders for my yardmaster. Hahaha.

Where do you get a good listing of EMD and GE models with their HP information? Or, do I just seek you from now on when buying anymore motive power. LOL!

Later guys.

Got a little TOO close with the digital didn't ya? LOL :D

That is often the downside with digital cannot get too close to an item with them. Best to get good shots with a digital camera, if you are standing at least 5 feet away from your item. If your camera has the non-digital zoom, it is much better. Though, those cameras are usually in the $800-1000 range.

Anyhow nice pic of the white modern ROCK boxcar. I have 12 of those myself. Problem is they ALL have the same number! LOL!

Now your last photo, why that belongs to the Scooby Central, to answer your question.


:D :D
Wolv -

Both the Marre and the Foster books give locomotive HP (the Marre book is specific for the RI locos, of course). But sometimes they disagree. They also give dates built (Foster) and dates bought and dispositioned by the RI (Marre).

Very useful info, IMHO!

For example the RS3 had 1,600 HP (Foster) or 1,500 HP (Marre), was built between 1950-1956, 1370 were built, the RI bought the first in Sept 1950 and the last in Nov 1951 (for a total of 15), and said goodby to its last one in Nov 1973 (traded in to GE).

Andy -

OK, OK - I'LL CALL !!!!!!!

That boxcar looks very "California" - say SP (Scooby Pacific) ???

Mike -

Seems we are on a closer wavelength than I thought. That article in MR is a good one for determining MP needed for a consist.


- George
You should post that Scooby Central car to the general photo group - I bet one of our other members (scoobyloven) would get a kick out of it !!!!!

Wolv, I'm sending you another spreadsheet that has all sorts of info I've gathered about locomotives. Not ROCK specific, but still quite handy.

Did you get that big LONG email I sent ya early this morning? God how I wish I was still home in bed! LOL!

Yep, there are always two routes to industries, unless of course that industry happens to be a natural resource...then there are only outputs. Case in point: a mine-its source comes from the Earth, but its customers are power plants, refineries, etc.

Midwest Building Supply-This facility has the most traffic, since it has both inputs and outputs. It being a building supply, there are numerous sources for its inputs (not just lumber or plywood) and the output is to the public. The demand for building supply products is so great that the company MUST have daily deliveries to it 3 times a day by rail, and two times a day by truck.

The Wilson Sisters Trucking Company is serviced by rail as well, but this frequency is once a week. They receive their new tractors and trailers by rail, and they also receive their parts by rail and truck.

Midwest Power Authority receives its coal once a day via a unit train that visits Galaxon mining once a day as well. But, the mine has more outgoing traffic that usually ends up going to staging, since only a few roads have contracts with Galaxon for power plant delivery.

Finally, there is Midwest Food Cooperative. This facility is both an input area as well as an output area. Staging trains bring produce and other food in from across the nation, and local freight picks it up and delivers it to the team tracks, where it is unloaded to trucks directly from reefers and boxcars and then delivered to the stores.

Many types of industries and many ways of input and output.

Of course these are mere examples, and are not the end-all of my industries.
Boy, you guys think it's tough filling out a Rock Island roster. I just went through my target roster for ROCK, MP, ATSF, DRGW, SSW and MKT.

Of the MKT units that are appropriate, I can only find the GP7's (fortunately, I only need a pair, so I'll end up buying one GP7 and then bash something else).

For Missouri Pacific, I need 24 additional locos. 15 of the models I need aren't produced in MP colors. This includes FIVE GP38-2's, and FIVE SW1200's.

Rio Grande - 3 more. No problems, a good variety available in the most popular locos for this rr.

Rock Island - 14 more. I need four GP7's - only P2K makes this in ROCK colors, and only in two #'s. There are three models which aren't currently made in Rock colors - NW2, RS3, U28B.

Santa Fe - 15 more. Surprisingly, NINE of these aren't produced. And Santa Fe is a really popular railroad for production..............
No problem Mike. I am busy too. LOL!

Hey, if I cannot find anything in ROCK, I paint it and then it belongs to the ROCK. Though I do have to admit that my color schemes are easy-blue and white and all white. :)

I will stop by a little later in the afternoon.

Later guys.
Mike -

Unless you are changing the date of your layout, remember the RS-3s were gone from the RI by the end of 1973. Of course, it's your layout, so what your RI did may vary! Mine does.

The U28B is not made by anyone, as you said, but the early U28Bs looked like U25Bs, the later U28Bs were simular to the U30Bs. So a U25B might be able to "stand in" for a early U28B.

I tend to class related switchers together - only rivet counters can tell the difference between a NW2, a SW7, a SW9 and a SW1200. So you could get a P2K SW9 as a "stand in" for the NW2.

Actually, my SW9 stands in right now for not only those, but the SW8/SW900 group as well (difference - one less smokestack).

Andy - the caboose has been ordered! THANKS !!!!


- George

I set them on my watch status, but not really sure if I want to add them to my ROCK roster. I mean, for nearly $20 you are getting only a couple good cars, and I know for $20 I could get at least 6 brand new cars, though that would not include shipping.

The Bachmann hoppers hardly want to stay on the track each time I run them. In fact, I often find that LifeLike, Model Power and Bachmann hoppers want to derail more than anything else.

I already have one of those Roco caboose. You can get Athearn 54' gondolas in ROCK for $5.50 brand new from Internet Trains. The hoppers are a bit more, but they are available too. I mean the covered hoppers. Boxcars are too easily obtained via MDC or Athearn, or Accurail.

A good list though, if you are willing to put the time into fixing them. As I said, prob not. But, I did add them to my watch status. Thanks, Mike.

Any progress on that HUGE spreadsheet? I was really interested in that, since I was HIGHLY impressed with the one you sent me last night. I went and lowered the overall percentage of the tanker cars, and it turned out really nice. My only regret was that your spreadsheet did not include all the roads I needed. But, I thought I read where you would have a much larger one today.

Maybe I was wrong. Well, let me know. I am going to go back and work on car weathering some more.

I just found your post and wantd to include my Nscale engines. One Life Like BL2 in red and black, one Life Like GP18 in maroon and strips, and one Atlas RS3 in the red and black wings paint. Wanting to get at least one of the new Atlas H-15-44's.
seven Bachmann 40' boxcars in Route Of The Rockets one Bachmann 40' gondola two Micro-Trains 50' gondolas
Probably not today, wolv. Ended up staying at work late cause my boss needed a report to take home for the wknd; and tonite my wife and I went for a drive to a bedroom community to see how far it would take for her to get to work (i.e., we're thinking about buying a house there next summer).

Probably tomorrow, although the addtl roads you've added will exponentially increase the complexity. So no promises, but soon. :D

PS - welcome to the Rock thread, Dan. I'll add your rail units to the page tomorrow !!!! I think I have some updates from someone else to include too ....................

No problem man. I can wait. I understand if you are busy, hell we all have lives to lead. Thanks for the update.


LOL! The Rock Island Mafia...Hahahahaha! Ehhh Guido, yous gonna tell family bizness to the peoples! Uhhh, yous gonna have to get axed!


Welcome to our little ROCK corner of the Gauge. Nice to see other ROCK fans besides our long-winded selves. LOL! :D ;)

Later guys.