Recolor Ninjatoe's MK II Viper

Awesome! The larger skull does look better on the fin. ;) It is good to see that the star stripe is positioned correctly; that gave me a bit of a headache. :)
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Here is the next recolor. A Mono-tone D-Day Invasion stripped Viper. I am working on a Two-tone version, and hope I get it done before June 6th. I sent the Mono-tone version to ninjatoe for final approval. Hope everyone likes it.
We sure could have used a few hundred of those back then!! Superb job! ;)
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I keep forgetting to hit the LIKE button! :)
I just received news from Ninjatoe via an e-mail, and I was not sure what thread to post it on. So I am posting it here because he released my Recolor Mono-tone D-Day Invasion Stripe Viper on his website, but he also released the 1/24 scale version as well. He even mentions the Re-sizing tutorial I made, which surprised me. If anybody wants to see what he says about all three they can check it out here:
He sent me the web address in the e-mail. I told him that I was doing the tutorial for both model sites, but he has been so busy that he must have only remembered the one. Sorry about that. I sent the tutorial to him because i wanted his opinion, and it had parts from his viper model for demonstration purposes. I sent it to Revell Fan first, but he was having Internet problems at the time. I respected his opinion being a designer himself, and after working so close on the recolor with him. I have uploaded the Mono-tone D-Day Invasion Stripe version to the downloads section, which is why I posted all this on this thread. Just waiting approval.
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I don't see anything pending approval, so I guess it's already up?
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Yes it has already been approved. I thought you did it zathros. I was getting ready to thank you for it because Raven Blaack is very busy, and I am not sure if anybody else could have approved it.
Actually, I may have, I automatically approve anything you post. Rhaven's sabbatical has made him unable to do certain actions. I hope he can come back soon. :)
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Thank you zathros! I e-mail him, and he said he hoped that things would calm down in a few months to where he could start being back on here.
We talk on he phone. He's up to his eyeballs busy now. :)