Recently visited my cousins railroad...


Jun 4, 2002
Miami Florida
This past weekend I visited my relatives in Melbourne FL and was amazed at the progress of my cousin Art's new Narrow Gauge S railroad. Very impressive...he scratch built most of the structures.

Art does alot of research before he started this project. (He used to model HO but has decided on Sn3) He visited the area he intended to model many times. Bought books about the railroad he intended on modeling. Researched drawings and took tons of pictures on his excursions for reference.

I wish I had the skills and patience he has to be so involved in this hobby, however with very little free time, I model no particular railroad. Mine is a small freestyle layout and I enjoy working on it and running trains on it alot. I thought I might share his webpage so ya'll could take a look at what he is doing with his Rio Grand Southern Railroad...

enjoy. :D
Hi Bob,
Some excelleny modelling on that website, I like the backscenes, they look like real photographs.

They are real photographs...

On one of Art's trips out there, he took photos and then had them blown up to use as backdrops. He also took pictures of any surviving buildings so he can scratch build them for his layout.

Like I said before... my hat goes off to him. He has inspired me to get back to working on my own layout...however, it will never be as well thought out and executed as his railroad is. One side bar though... he is retired and has plenty of time to travel and work on his railroad :D