Reading RS-3's on the Hillside


Another Fried Egg Fan
Oct 15, 2002
Drexel Hill, PA
Ran another train along the Hillside

Atlas Reading RS-3

Atlas Reading RS-3

Atlas PRR PS-2 Covered Hopper

Atlas D&H PS-2 Covered Hopper
Great weathering again! And I love the trackside landscape - those rock outcroppings are just fabulous!

But please tell your LPB conductor, at least the caboose could use a little bit of water. I tink that MY LPBs flatly would refuse to work in such a run-down, dirty crummy! :D:D:D

Thanks everyone!

MilesWestern said:
Tom, how'd you create that road dust effect on your RS-3's? I'd love to know! :)

I applied a wash made of Folk Art Charcoal Gray thinned with blue windsheild washer fluid (1:5). I then lightly airbrushed the following colors onto the lower part of the locos:
1.) Charcoal Gray
2.) Raw Umber
3.) Raw Sienna

I then sealed them with Dullcoat.
That’s a nice roll by. I especially like the engines (beautiful weathering :thumb: ) and the covered hoppers. But best of all is the spot you took the photos of. Even though (or just because) it is quite "empty", it’s awesome.:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Might I offer a critique? "glass" in the van windows would add a bit imo.I used a cd case. I feel bad criticizeing such beautiful work when I can't even spell it.
Thanks everyone!

Relic said:
Might I offer a critique? "glass" in the van windows would add a bit imo.I used a cd case. I feel bad criticizeing such beautiful work when I can't even spell it.

Arrghh!!! I do not consider it a bad thing. I have been in the process of adding "glass" to my cabooses for a while now. I have two Athearn Blue boxes to go (or so I thought). I completely forgort about this one and another Reading Mantua.wall1
I didn't want to mention it, but...I use the transparent plastic that comes with most kits and lightly bluff it with steel wool to get the sheen off, so you don't get the glassy sheen and you can't see inside, which in most cases is just empty, unpainted space (in the case of my wooden cabeese). I put the buffed side out.
Thanks folks!

cn nutbar said:
hi tom---the backdrop is excellent---is that a photo ????

THe backdrop is part of the "mountain" I have been working on.

The blue is two peices of foam board painted blue and being held up by various objects so that it blocks out the rest of the basement.