Re-hello folks!

That - is beautiful! Oh how I remember tubes and giant power coils. The smell as they warmed up. :) Sure, they're nowhere near as good as modern electronics, but they kept you warm at night!
Yeh say that now...but once the big one got nada..and we still got tunes!!;)
Modern electronics, re; Audio excel at THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) but pale in comparison when it comes to "Total Non Harmonic Distortion". This was only discovered a few years ago. TA Japanese Scientist/audiophile created an algorithm to test it and the results shook the whole community, which is why there is such a resurgence in tube equipment.

Surround sound receivers are great for Home theater, but when it comes to music, all that Digital Sound Processing (DSP) creates a harshness and distortion. Coupled with the under sampling rate of CD's, the recipe was disaster.