RC BSG Landram project

:driver1:COOL DRIVIN'!:driver1:

Too bad we already had X-mas..!


@ RB: I love it when a plan comes together, but the music is definitely not from "The A-Team". Surely the composers must have been inspired by the show..! :mrgreen:
The prop department used six big front lights and four smaller top lights arranged in two pairs. When the two top twin lights are lit up they appear as two big single lights because of their brightness. So you (falsely) believe there are 4 in some and 2 in others. There are always 4.
But it will looks much better! The attached pic shows how the different lenses, lighting and angles change the appearance of the lights.


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They could be a little bit brighter. Even though, it looks fantastic!
Oh, right, I forgot. A similar thing happened when I was photographing my Cylon Raider (from -surprise!- Revell :mrgreen:).

Your Ram is breath-taking! :thumb:


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Progress on the ram will slow now, I have other projects needing my attention. The last detail I will add is the white covers for the LEDS, then it will sit until I get caught up on other projects. Then I will work on more detail. Coming soon will be a couple vids on the ram moving and a screen cap of the cam working.

Until then here are a few more pics...

jawdrop I WANT ONE OF THESE! jawdrop

( And now STOP IT and switch to the REAL thing in 1:1 scale! :mrgreen: )