Ralph News 10-10-05

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Kathy Wrote:

Hi, everyone -

I wanted to pass on some positive news about Ralph since, when I last wrote, he was having a bit of a set back (with a flare-up of pancreatitis). Although last Thursday was a rough day with additional meds needed to fight an infection, by Friday morning he was on the upswing again. Since then, his improvement has been steady and he's now feeling very strong and is eager to leave for home. We really enjoyed visiting him on Sunday and were so happy to see how healthy he is looking. While we were there he ate his first full-course, tasty meal which was a thrill for him after being deprived of real food for so long.

Ralph is hoping and expecting to be released from the hospital no later than tomorrow, Tuesday. If you'd like to touch base with him there, PM Ngauger for contact info...

He'll need to undergo some chemo and maybe radiation after this but is uncertain about the timing of that. Keep lifting up prayer during this next stage.

good news kathy, thanks for the update, please give him a harty hi from me in australia, he has a lot of friends here, world wide. Thinking and praying for him and the family... have a good one ..steve