PzKpwf II Luchs 1:25 Wak

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Yes the last one I finished was the Chi-Ha and in that build I didn't trim a single part or discovered any error!! So that was a 100%kit!!
If you want a pleasant build just go for that one as your next :)

I have some pics for you just in case you missed it :)
Typ 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha 1:25 Model Hobby

I will try to finish the T40 now that I have some time off work!
A barrel for the T40? yes I have made it :)


I'm now working on attaching the wheels.I maybe get the t40 finished this week if I can get some guts to do some continuous work on it LOL
Making time at home is the hardest part....
But when kids at school,wife at work,fresh coffee in the cup then it's not so bad doing some quality mantime :)

How are your luchs coming along?
I do hope you will post your construction report here with me!
Off course you post here in the same thread!!
Otherwise it wouldn't be the same connection in our groupbuild If you know what I mean.
So you just go ahead!!
Now you made me really curious!!

I have made a sketch in my head about the dio I have planned.
But it's only on the drawing board.....
Well, I have been looking for the pictures and they have escapd me.
I'll have to get some more.
Anyway, just part of the diorama is an outhouse, but I am not so sure such a thing existed in Germany at the time, did it?

I am not sure where the original design came from.?





It gets a lot better, I promise.:twisted:

Oh yes that existed all over europe. And it still does :)
Plenty of them here in norway, mostly near cabins.
We have one up in the mountain at our cabin.

I just installed a new one at my parents cabin on the west coast, that was of the electric type that burns the "waist" in seconds.
Such toilets are the only option where you dont have water or permission to let spillwater and sour out in the nature.

I also built that outhouse from papercreek about two years ago :)
I thickened all the walls with 1mm and then put the wood grain inside and out. I'm all done with the outhouse, I just can't find where I put the pictures! Darn it!
I even made a roll of toilet paper! I have to say myself, it looks pretty darn good! I'll just have to take some more pictures, I guess!

OK Pictures have been located finally!
I couldn't find them on any of my drives because they were still in the dang camera!:mrgreen:

Here ya go...






Anyway, I had a lot of fun building it and never even gave any thought to the scale, until it was nearly completed.:cry:
By the looks of it, I think I'm going to have to double the size of it.
It will be fun! Maybe I can get a little more detailed with it!:twisted:

Nice outhouse Russell!!
I built mine in 1:25, and it's looking terrible compared to yours!

Thanks Johnny! But it's really no big deal.
Hehehe, when a soldier has to take care of business,
he don't need a Holiday Inn Johnny!
You don't need to be putt'n on the Ritz,
when you have a bad case of the,...runs!sign1

Oh boy, that was bad.:cry:
I better get back to my tank!:twisted:

Putting on the skin was pretty much straight forward gluing.Some minor glitches was discovered in the kit,so a little trimming here and there was to be done.
First the hull.

Then the upper skin.

Since the side "windows" will be in open position,I had to make the inner part.

The turret

All skins in place.

How do you apply the skins onto the frame? Are you using white glue or spray adhesive? Please advise.
Beautiful work, I love all your models.
Got some work done last night.

The front "windows" are half done....

The second damper in place

And the left side mudguard
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