Pz. 38t Light Tank from Blitzkrieg

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Active Member
Jan 15, 2004
Bangkok, Thailand
Hi There,

I plan to make tutorial about how to make papermodel from Blitzkrieg computer game, below is picture of mesh what extract from tanks2.0 and open in metaseq...texture is come from Blitzkrieg too with make it smooth to make a good looking.


to be continue...
Stev0 said:
Nobi ... I have been working at trying to get exports from that game for a while.

Right now I'm working on trying to export models from the Battlefield1942 mod forgotten hope which has over 250 weapons, vehicles, artillery and aircraft.


Have you try Rexman tool yet, i heard that this tool can import BF model into 3DStudio in .max format but im not try yet.
NOBI said:
Have you try Rexman tool yet, i heard that this tool can import BF model into 3DStudio in .max format but im not try yet.

Oh heck no.

I'm going to check that out RIGHT now. I googled and searched all over for a good set of import/export tools for BF42 with no luck.

Hope this works. Thanks Nobi!

Cheers, :grin:
ok work begin...prepare yourself, ready to follow my tutorial. this is not a good tutorial but i just show how i make model from available mesh on a huge resource of the world

part I : tool you need

- Metaseq a powerful shareware program, you can download this program at http://www.metaseq.net/english/index.html

- Pepakura Designer another powerful shareware for unfold model you create, you can download this program at http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/

- Tanks v.0.2d Tool you need to extract model from Blitzkrieg, you can download this program at http://tatooinebase.star-fleet.org/

- Model from Blitzkrieg. this tutorial is Pz.38t Light Tank if you can not download a huge file from Blitzkrieg website, You can download example model at http://www.savefile.com/files3.php?fid=4030809

prepare your tool and make yourself ready for next part of tutorial
Part II : Export and Import

continue on part 2 about how to export modfel from Tanks v.0.2d and import into measeq v.2.3.3

picture below is interface of tanks 0.2d program

open model file

then program will ask for texture, i use a normal texture call 1.tga

finish import model into tanks 0.2d

after that export model into .obj file using menu Tool > Export Wavefront .OBJ > Export Combile mesh

close your tanks 0.2d program and open metaseq 2.3.3 (make sure that u use this version)

use menu file > open and browse to folder what u keep an OBJ file (same folder of mesh from Blitzkrieg) when new window open to prompt for import .OBJ model, click at swap YZ button then click OK

model IMPORT........:-D
I got the rex 3D tool working as well.

Thanks Nobi ... seems the support for 3rd party modding with BF42 is old and dead somewhat.
Stev0 said:
I got the rex 3D tool working as well.

Thanks Nobi ... seems the support for 3rd party modding with BF42 is old and dead somewhat.

Can you show some mesh what you can export from bf? and include texture? can you send me some example? very excite :-D
Part III : Texture manipulated

come back again with continue doing mesh from Blitzkrieg game, now is texture manipulated, texture in Blitzkrieg's mesh is in .tga format what can open in graphic program like photoshop. For me I use Photoshop CS2, open texture in photoshop program like below


then resize image to 400% from original size to make it look good when mapping in metaseq and pepakura



and smooth texture with filter > Blur more


export into .JPG format to use with metaseq via menu Save for web...

then open your MQO file what you export from tank0.2d

create new material in material panel and browse into .JPG what you create from photoshop

select all face of model and use menu select > Set material to face to setup material into model


texture mapped...8)
Part IV : Object management

Sorry for not update this tutorial :) today begin with Object management, according to method we export model from tanks0.2d...we export in combined mesh mean we will have a 1 layer mesh what have everything inside :) so for easily modify model inside metaseq, we need to seperate each parts into each layers such as turret in 1 layer, hull is in 1 layer and wheel is in 1 layer.

in metaseq we do not call layer...we say in object...open object panel via meny panel > Object Panel. you will see a object panel windows appear and see only 1 object inside that windows name obj1 as picture below

we need to select each part into new object. how can you do? easily way is use Select command and click at Join face to select part what face is join together. make sure that Fc button in Edit option at left panel is click and then try to click at turret, you will see that all face of turret is select as picture below

after select that turret, you need to cut it out and paste it into new object. easily way just Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V...metaseq will cut your part you select and paste it into new obect automatically (see Object panel, You will see a new obect name Obj2 appear)

For me, i seperate each part into hull, turret, gun, hatch wheel, mudguard and other for the rest.

see we have 7 different objects in default name from Obj1 to Obj7. these will cause problem when modified mesh. we know in beginning that Obj1 is Hull and Obj2 is turret...after several minutes you will ask yourself again that Obj2 is? or where is my wheel? we can solve this problem by rename your object according to part such as Obj1 rename to hull and Obj2 rename to turret but how? :) very easy...just double click at object name and Object property's windows will appear and you can change name or color of object in this windows

so we will have 7 different object in different name like below








not too hard? object is very important and useful. this function is a key function and you must understand it clearly. feel free to ask me if you have problem.

download .MQO of this mesh after finish seperate layer here
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