I just tried to upload a photo and got an error saying it was too large for the server to handle. I saled it to the same pixel # I have been using forever, has anything changed?
Have you not read the "Site News"? We were attacked with a "Denial of Service", and that screwed up our servers. This problem is now affecting 1000's of forums on the network. It is being worked on as fast as possible, with the main goal of not losing any data. Theoretically, we could have lost the whole forum, and have to start all over. We are dealing with hard drives and motherboards, and fools who have nothing better to do, may they rot in Hell. It's been going on now for a month on and off. Check out the forum glitches thread for any more posts about this. It is our of our hands. It is as if somebody stole your car, and someone then asks you for a ride. You think, "Don't they realize my car was stolen?".