Polish word translation


I can usually find a translation for most Polish words in one place or another but "średniotrudnych" has me stumped. Does anyone have any ideas what this means?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I would say that instruction reffers to something sticking out of the fuselage, usuallly to mount the wings or tail.
It might be piece of wire, bamboo skewer or part of the frame...


New Member
It depends on the context. If you can published whole sentence I would translate.
It could be - small bayonet, or some kind technical type of joint, or samthing else.


Thanks very much, Indoramina. The sentence reads as follows....
Bagneciki wyznaczające skrajnie pojazdu składamy podstawy 30a, 30b i bagnecika wz.10.

As a matter of interest, why is it that three different translation programs and even native Polish speakers can have difficulty with certain words? Is it to do with regional dialects or something?

Thanks for all your help, guys. :)


New Member
Hi there!
Maybe I could be helpful a little bit:)

"Bagneciki wyznaczające skrajnie pojazdu składamy podstawy 30a, 30b i bagnecika wz.10."

It's all about that Polish has different grammar forms depending on various factors and bagneciki, bagnecika are thesame word:)
Anyway, quoted text means that to assemble bayonets (or whatever is the part name), You should use parts 30a, 30b and this stick done with templete, which You can find ona picture wz.10

All the best,



Ahh thanks, Indoramina. That makes sense. It's actually to do with a fuselage section of an aircraft and it reffering to a rib does fit with the rest of the sentence.

Thanks again, mate.