

yeah, i dont go to a train club, but at our RC car race meets all the "old men" (and a few others) smoke, while most of the under 20s (which are about 70% of the club) dont smoke, but just have to breath in the crap

- the older members poisin the newer members with the filthy habbits :(



Active Member
Val,While you point is valid let me point this out.If 60% of our club members that smoke walked out the club would fold in less then a year.You see we are talking roughly $600.00 in lost dues per month..Now,the 2 nonsmokers($20.00) that join the club knew from the start there was smokers in the club.So,they shouldn't have join if smoking bothered them..Now we never did allow smoking in the layout room just the meeting room..As I mention as a fire safety thing we voted to smoke outside except on bitter cold nights or days.This was the agreement by popular vote..Now we have 2 new members(less then a year) that wants to change the agreement..Of course this will never happen by popular vote because 90%(or more) feel that its unfair to ask smokers to go outside during extreme cold weather..
As far as our beloved Government since when did we start believing everything they say? No,I think lung cancer is cause by more then just smoking or second hand smoke.The very air we breath can kill us.Many of our great cities have smog alerts..I just know that can't be from people smoking..
Now at work I suck in propane fumes from forklifts,black and brown dust,diesel fumes from trucks sitting in the docks being loaded or unloaded and of course from the trucks sitting waiting to be loaded or unloaded.Talk about irony? Our company would love to go to a smoke free work place as they believe it would be healthier for the employees..What a joke.


Out AZ way
Geeze folks, there are never any winners in a discussion like this. Those that smoke are adamant about their right to smoke, and those that don’t are adamant about their right to breath “clean” air. We all know there is no such thing where there are people and machines, but we have to make the best of what we have. Smoking is not a natural thing, and even the tobacco companies are saying now that it is unhealthy. I quit a long time ago and actually had to change my lifestyle until I was able to shake the addiction. As Larry points out, the air is full of pollutants, smog, exhaust, chemical evaporation and a myriad of other things created by humans and Mother Nature. I for one would like to keep from breathing this stuff down to a minimum. My philosophy is that if I go someplace and they allow smoking there, I can stay or leave, my choice. I would occasionally go out with friends after work for a few drinks at a particular bar, but I’d come home with my eyes burning and my clothes heavy with smoke. We stopped going there; great place but we didn’t like the smoky atmosphere. If I joined a club and they allowed smoking in the meeting room, I’d probably miss most meetings. If they allowed smoking in the layout room, I guess I’d have to go elsewhere since I am really sensitive to it now. I don’t go downtown and walk the streets or live near a freeway or go near Mt. St. Helen since I don’t enjoy breathing in vehicle exhaust or volcano gases and ash either. I avoid these situations and I avoid going into areas where there are a lot of smokers. That’s my choice; I don’t tell them to leave, it’s their choice to stay as long as smoking is permitted there. I do sympathize with those that are standing out in the Ohio cold or in the Phoenix heat because smoking is not permitted inside, but again, that’s their choice.

There are considerate smokers and those that aren’t so considerate. Ray Marinaccio and his family have been to my house several times and I’ve met them at several train shows. This thread is the first time I knew Ray was a smoker. Ray is a considerate smoker since he knew we didn’t smoke, he abided by our wishes when he was here and abided by the shows policies when he was there. I would not expect Ray to not smoke if I were at his house since I respect his choices as well and that is his house to do as he chooses. Now Ray, about those farts in the club house, I think I would vote to, uh, expel anyone who abuses that policy. :rolleyes: I draw the line there. :D :D

I think we all know that smoking cannot be a healthy habit, but we are all victims of that good old marketing know-how and the power of those that have the big bucks. Good luck to those that want to quit, it’s tough, but can be done. I did it when there was no such thing as anti-smoking gum or patches. If I can do it so can anyone. If they don’t want to, hey, that’s their choice.


Humans are natural ..... man made therefor is as well ..... time everyone woke up ..... a chemical is a chemical.

I gave up smoking a number of years ago, however if you wish to smoke go ahead just stay down wind from me I'm too busy sucking in all those acids and soot produced by automobiles (and are probably the most offensive things that the body deals with).


Pooh Bah
Our club is a visiting or round-robin club and all the meetings are held in members' homes. I know we have smokers, but I don't remember any smoking at meetings. Officially, it is the host's privilege to permit/deny smoking, and I think there may be some who would permit it.
I did railroad with a fellow who smoked. That was where I learned all my track cleaning techniques.
And another fellow who had a working ash pit by the engine shed.


I'm a smoker, and one living in California, where smoking is not allowed indoors at any place of business, so the point is academic. I don't smoke in my house, because even with my less-acute smoker's sense of smell I don't like the way it smells up a house. I smoke in my garage, where my layout is located, but I do notice that track cleaning becomes more of a chore when I do so!

The cultural acceptability of smoking, and how it has changed over time, is interesting--I noticed, at a train show this weekend, an old copy of "How To Wire Your Model Railroad"--the fellow on the cover was smoking a pipe while soldering some electronics together. Now, health issues aside, but who would want to smoke while handling a soldering iron and wires, getting smoke in the way and dirtying up electrical contacts that are supposed to stay clean?

I suppose one of the things that gets my attention is that at the railroad museum where I volunteer, NONE of the older docents (mostly senior citizens--I'm 35) smoke.
Sobering--I assume that the railfans who kept smoking didn't make it to that age!


Active Member
You are a real man, when you smoke cigarettes - any cowboy out in Monument Valley shows us this fact of life on big posters (and below it says MARLBORO...)
And a nice, placid old model railroader has to smoke his pipe while working on his layout... :D :D :D

Hey, this was common knowledge a few decades back!

Today we know quite a lot more about the relations between smoking and pulmonary diseases - but in fact YOU still can decide IF you should smoke or not, and WHERE you should smoke or not. Unfortunately there is a lot of missionary fanatism on both sides. I believe that solutions could be found which are more or less satisfying to all. But this depends on the intelligence and/or stubbornness of the people concerned.

However with model railroads there is one element more to consider than 'only' our endangered health :( :
Like some already said before, the tar residue in tobacco smoke settles also on tracks and scenery. And this is simply plain, sticky, gooey dirt!
In my former club smoking was allowed. Then two guys joined the club who were smoking thick cigars, which sometimes resulted in a sort of London smog. :mad:
After a few months there was a hell of a racket going on, and smoking was banned altogether from the club rooms. And then suddenly all the problems with bad contact on dirty track disappeared.

The club I belong to now, never had any problems with dirty track - they were non-smoking from the start. When I looked into the other club, about two years after they went non-smoking, the scenery still stank from tobacco smoke! :eek: That speaks for itself, I think.

Also non smoking since 30 years, after consuming 2 packs a day! :)


I did quit for about six years, and then again for three months earlier this year. I know I'll want to quit again before too long--for starters, the $75 I spend a month on cigarettes comes straight out of my model railroad fund!

Glen Haasdyk

Active Member
My club meets in a Museum so there is no smoking there. Anyway I'm allergic to cigarette smoke (as well as incense smoke) So I'm quite relieved to know that there is the non-smoking policy in the workplace here in British Columbia.


Active Member
A typo appears in my reply."$600.00 in lost dues per month"..Should read $300.00
per month and not $600.00 per month..We have 30 members that smoke @10.00 dues per month.. :eek:ops: We have 18 nonsmokers as members.


multiscale modelbuilder
Anyone who smokes, has the right to poison themselves, any time they wish. But, with every right comes responsibility. They have the responsibility to NOT poison others. The fight arizes when those with the right do not exercize responsibility.
The club I belong to banned smoking in the club spaces. The trains run much better now, on the cleaner track.
I will, on ocasion, put myself in a smoking invironment, of my own choice. I will, however ask the person who has just lit up, and parked their burnt offering under my nose to talk with someone else, to "smoke it, or butt it!" If they're not enjoying the cigarette, I don't need to be breathing the fumes.-ex smoker at four packs/day when I quit,


Active Member
Tiz odd how there is supposedly officially sanctioned "safe levels" of some of the most toxic stuff on the planet, such as PCBs, other carcinogens, lead, asbestos, carcinogenic pesticides, DDT, etc, even nuclear radiation, in the air, water and materials, however, it appears that the only "safe level" of ciggie smoke is absolute zero. And might I remind some that our little 12 V lecky engines produce ozone. Quite poisonous, actually, in sufficient quantities.


Active Member
Woodie said:
Tiz odd how there is supposedly officially sanctioned "safe levels" of some of the most toxic stuff on the planet, such as PCBs, other carcinogens, lead, asbestos, carcinogenic pesticides, DDT, etc, even nuclear radiation, in the air, water and materials, however, it appears that the only "safe level" of ciggie smoke is absolute zero. And might I remind some that our little 12 V lecky engines produce ozone. Quite poisonous, actually, in sufficient quantities.
Good grief Woodie, please don't tell the Surgeon General that..He will want to place warning on our locomotives..I can see it now.
Warning: Running model trains can be hazardous to your health.


Active Member
jetrock said:
I did quit for about six years, and then again for three months earlier this year. I know I'll want to quit again before too long--for starters, the $75 I spend a month on cigarettes comes straight out of my model railroad fund!

Hey, Jet, I still remember how hard it was to quit---even when I was hacking up a lung every morning. Used to have a running joke about it, "It's easy to quit, I've done a hundred times..." Be prayin' you drop them puppies, OK :thumb:


Active Member
Woodie said:
And might I remind some that our little 12 V lecky engines produce ozone. Quite poisonous, actually, in sufficient quantities.

Ahhhh...but there ain't no sweeter smell coming from a 50 year old lokey :thumb: snuff, snuff, ummmmmmm...Nirvana ;)


What state is Nirvana in? I'm thinking of retiring there if I can find it. Somebody told me it was in the state of Bliss, but I can't find that either. Anyone?


Will always be re-membered
Most municipalities here in Ontario have anti-smoking bi-laws. Where I live there is no smoking allowed in any public places like bars, restaurants and even private clubs. The only way they can get around it is to have an outside area where smokers can go. I gave up smoking in the 60's. At that time I coud get three packs of smokes(25) for a dollar. Now a friend of mine pays around $100 for a month of smokes. There are no model railroad clubs where I live but if there was one, members would have to abide by the local bi-law.