Pick your brain


Ditat Deus
Sep 15, 2004
Hey! I've got this awkward little section on my layout that I've been staring at for a while and trying to figure out what to do with it. I'm at a loss. It is roughly 7" x 2". It is awkward in that it is an inch taller than anything else around it, right on the railyard and not quite big enough but almost.




I thought about putting a little dirt parking lot in front of a church and off to the side of the church, I could put a little graveyard scene.


Or, I've got this little restraunt (yet to be built) that seems to sort of fit there also.


My other ideas are to -
drop the elevation by 1/2" to help it step down to the next step a little.
or, take it down 1" so that it is the same level as that below except the road slopes up in front.
or, don't put anything there and just slope it down with the road and fill it with scenery.
Any other ideas? I guess I could add another switch to the yard and put some sort of an engine facilty there as well.
maybe a drive in theater? or that resteraunt fits pretty well.there are alot of options.maybe even a yard office,crew buildings,sheds,etc.--josh
You've already got a head start there. How about a gravel parking lot / a couple trees / picnic tables and some railfans taking pictures.
RED NECK BAR. For some reason that little corner of property reminds me of a little hill beside the highway in Paulden, Arizona, that has a little red neck bar on top of it.

Three things come to mind, an electrical substation, a gas station or possibly a fuel depot. The Interstate Fuel and Oil kit from Walther's would be ideal for that.

If it were me, I'd probably opt for the gas station or a restaurant/bar as others suggested.
Hmmmm, a lot of good ideas. I like the railfan park, the restraunt and the gas station is a good one. I do have a tower for the yard, it's at the other end. I agree about not putting the church there. It works as far as space goes but it just doesn't seem to fit aesthetically and functionally. Plus, you've sparked some other ideas I need to look into.
Actually I like the church. It reminds me of that church right by the tracks on the Clinchfield. A railfan park seems like a good idea though. Maybe you could put up some sort of historical marker there or even a small steamer as a display for people to visit?