Photo FUN week of 8/31

This is still a work in progress. It is an HO layout that we are building at the museum for one of our clients and now members.








In the begining

Hey DoctorWayne - did you scratchbuild the pump and compressor plant? I am planning for the distant future to scratchbuild a furniture factory from North Carolina that has a main building very similar to yours.
This car is a refugee from the parts box. Bachmann body, Tyco chassis and Athearn trucks.

You've probably seen one side of my switch tower, so here's the other side.

A loco for my fictional road, the Midland Gulf Railway, MG #422
Hey DoctorWayne - did you scratchbuild the pump and compressor plant? I am planning for the distant future to scratchbuild a furniture factory from North Carolina that has a main building very similar to yours.

P&M Languay was built from two Walthers Waterfront Warehouse kits, with most of the walls facing the viewer. One end wall was used on the left end of the building, with a scratchbuilt first storey added on at street level. The right end and the back is plain .060" sheet styrene, as is the roof. Here's an over-all view:

The parts remaining, two end walls and one long, side wall, were used to build the Evell Casket Co., the truncated structure with the car parked out front. The long wall is on the unseen side of the building, facing National Grocers:

It's tough to fit this building into a photo :rolleyes:

It seems that I don't have a photo of the street side, although it's just more .060" sheet, made to look like Ashlar facing-stone. You get two complete sets of windows with this kit: One set is like those used in Languay's, while the other is like Evell's. In addition, there's a sheet of printed acetate with very fine mullions, for use with the Evell-type windows, should you so choose. Also, lots of extra doors and brick-patterned pieces for blanking out door and window openings. I used the latter on the long wall of Evell, as the view would have been less than scenic. ;)

Once again, some incredible modeling and photography in this thread! I especially like Renovo's 3 rail picture!

Great Pics Folks!

WHOLLY SMOKES!!!:eeki::eeki::eeki: TONS of SLAP AWESOME work, scenes and proto pics!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: DEFIANTLY a GREAT week for THIS thread:winki::mrgreen: .

GP30 heads through Southern Wisconsin on the Rock Valley Sub:mrgreen: .
:deano: -Deano
Mark:wav: , your outside shots really turned out FANTASTIC!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

When i took this shot of my CA3 i had Mark and Ralph in mind:winki: , since both of you are kinda big on cabooses, this ones for you guys:thumb::mrgreen: . (you folks don't know how hard it was for ME to take a pic without an engine in it:eeki::toug::119: ) :deano: -Deano
Mark:wav: , your outside shots really turned out FANTASTIC!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

When i took this shot of my CA3 i had Mark and Ralph in mind:winki: , since both of you are kinda big on cabooses, this ones for you guys:thumb::mrgreen: . (you folks don't know how hard it was for ME to take a pic without an engine in it:eeki::toug::119: ) :deano: -Deano

Nice shot Deano!:thumb: I gotta ask though, if you really have a problem taking pics WITHOUT engines, couldn't you have just put the caboose and hopper on the front track with an engine behind it?:confused:
Thanks for the reply Wayne. I was hoping it was a kitbash. I think I can handle kitbashing a couple of kits, not so confindent with scratchbuilding. I saw a dairy complex in the Walthers book (Woodland Scenics, I think) that had a couple of small buildings that in addition to what you have created with the other kits would work for my project. I may be buggin' you soon........This is what I love about The Gauge!! folks don't know how hard it was for ME to take a pic without an engine in it...
Do you have anything in between the rails at your road crossing? All of your shots are taken from eye level so for the most part it does not matter... just curious if and how you did that. Just reference the post if you have already covered this. Thanks.
Do you have anything in between the rails at your road crossing? All of your shots are taken from eye level so for the most part it does not matter... just curious if and how you did that. Just reference the post if you have already covered this. Thanks.
TrainNut:wav: , YES, i do put pavement between the rails on grade crossings, the pic i have posted below shows this:winki: . good question though:thumb: , i know in some shots it looks as if there is nothing there:eek:ops: , i probably should bring the pavement to the top of the rails, but if a coupler is sagging a little, it wont give me problems hitting the pavement at the crossings:winki::119: .

CNWman, to be honest, those of you that know me know what an engine nut i am:mrgreen: , so it was just a jokesign1 , i had no problem taking that pic:winki: .....well, almost:119: .

Jeffrey, i seen your UP Alco A&B units earlier in this thread:thumb: (the best engines you have posted yet:winki::thumb::mrgreen: ). i am sorry i didn't comment on them before, but my last post before last night was over 3 pages back, and i was just slap lazy and didn't make 50 comments on all the AWESOME pics posted since my last post on page one:eek:ops::eek:ops: (sorry folks:eek:ops: ). NICE UP UNITS!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb: BTW, your last shot was REALLY CRISP, GOOD JOB!:thumb:

:deano: -Deano
Excellent shots this week, one of the best Photo Fun threads so far :thumb:. Unfortunately I don’t have a pic to contribute to this week’s thread – I ran out of ideas :eek:.