Photo Fun 4-4-08

What's the scoop on the single Santa Fe pulling the single passenger car? Any clue? I tried blowing the picture up enough to read the lettering but it became pixelated before it became legible.

hmmm.... judging from the color scheme and that circle-ish symbol in the general center of the car, I'd say that is a presidential car, or some other goverment executive's private car.
I am experimenting with a way to put shingles on a new HO house that I am building. Unfotunately, I put too much glue on this side, it is turning out better on the front of the house, but I ran out of shingles, so you get to see the back side. Doing one row at a time is teaching me great patience!

We have a branch line here called the Meeker Southern. Maybe 5 miles long.
He does not have a set schedule so I have never caught him on the road to take pictures.
Otherwise he keeps the loco and caboose fenced in and will not let anybody near it. As you can see in the photo, he lives there.



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What's the scoop on the single Santa Fe pulling the single passenger car? Any clue? I tried blowing the picture up enough to read the lettering but it became pixelated before it became legible.

hmmm.... judging from the color scheme and that circle-ish symbol in the general center of the car, I'd say that is a presidential car, or some other goverment executive's private car.

I can make out the Federal Railway Administration lettering on the side so it may be a track geometry car.

Nice work on finding that picture, Charlie. I think that that car is just an inspection car. If you notice the windows at the rear, it indicates that the seating inside is "theatre-style", with the seats in tiers.

More cool stuff! Thanks everyone! Charlie, I do like that Trailvan shot, thank you! :) Josh, your shot of the UP rolling by the grain elevator reminded me of one I took of the CP in Red Wing MN last year....

I stand corrected. :eek:ops: That's an interesting link, and shows just how much equipment is packed into that car. It looks similar, at least as far as the window arrangement, to one that I saw in Trains magazine some time ago. I believe it was owned by the Southern, and, as far as I know, was merely an inspection car. The rear end of the car was one large window. :-D:-D

Hey all, I've been away for a long time b/c of work and therefore, didn't get a lot of work done on the layout until recently. Anyway, my submission. Ohio Western SD35 spotting hoppers at the Champion Mine.

As already posted, its just the FRA's inspection car. Was moving to fast on the UP Palmdale cut-off to catch again, so thats about the best shot. I have one slightly more zoomed, pre-resizing shot, that makes it easier to read. Sadly the train was just at the edge of focal range, so the shots were cruddy.

Sadly though, its a Cement plant...
Josh, I guess I wouldn't want to mix up a cement plant and a grain elevator! It would make for some pretty hard bread and soft buildings! :)
does anyone know why Lionel painted there CNJ train master that way???
When the central ordered them from FM they were green with yellow stripes, and were never repainted like that. Still I always thought it was a cool paint job.