Overhead Crane


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
I started this project last night.
I decided I needed an overhead crane for my scrap yard, so I went to my trusty old scrap box, to see what I could find.
Here's the basic frame, with inner rails for the carriage assembly.
The I-beams & x-bracing are from an HO cement plant, & the box girders on top are from Central Valley.


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Here's the beginings of the carriage assembly -
I used an I-beam, wheels, & sideframes from a freight car, & some pieces of wire for the axles.
I still need to put together something to represent a motor, & pulley system.


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Here's what I've got so far, with carriage in place.
The entire thing is 59' long,55' wide, & 29' tall (N scale)
Still needs some more work, paint, & weathering.


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Charlie - Lookin' good!
About the motor - I noticed a cap off of a pen or marker the other day that basically was shaped like a "cylinder with fins". My original thought was that, scaled up 160X, it could be used to model a transformer. But it now occurs to me that it could also be used to model an industrial-strength electric motor. You might to keep an eye out for marker/pen caps that you could use.
Bill K
Thanks Shamus!
Coming from you, that's worth a lot! Hey, I finally got to see your photo in the new Walther's. If I haven't told you already - Congratulations!! I got to tell a couple of the guys at the hobby shop, "Hey, this guy's a friend of mine!" They were impressed! :D
Thank you too Billk!
About that motor - I've been digging through the scrap box - I found this box shaped thing with a grill on it - I think it might have been an air conditioner(??) - I don't know - I'll have to brainstorm on it some more.
Speaking of storms, though, Rory & those other Texans have sent so much rain up here into the Ohio Valley in the last couple of days, that I have water trickling across the floor of my workshop! Looks like I might be mopping instead of modeling tonight! :mad:
(just kidding Rory!) :)
So thats where all this darn rain is coming from. I think I'm gonna disown everybody I know from Texas.

Well I know how ta git even with you guys.I'm gonna send ya a good(???) old fashioned Michigan winter.(evil laugh right about here:D :D )


This is one Texan I won't disown.
Well, it's still raining on "my old KY home"! :)
I think I'm gonna run up the white flag for tonight...
Thanks Robin!
You're right about not throwing things away. A well-stocked scrap box is a kit - basher's dream!
Mine has gotten so full over the last few years, of planning, but not getting around to building at least 2 layouts, (HO & N) that this time, except for the turnouts, my entire layout has come out of the scrap box! And I've still just barely put a dent in it!
Also, even if you change scales, many kit parts can be used in scales other than the ones they were intended for.
Hard to believe but here in central Ontario we had the first snow free November since the 1800s. Forecast for tomorrow is a high of 14C and possible showers. Ski resorts are going to have a bad season it seems. To my way of thinking if it rains, it drains away by itself, if it snows, I have to shovel the darn stuff.
Maybe we will have a green Christmas this year.
Now lets get back to scratchbuilding and seeing what we have in the scrap heap .The box is buried in stuff.
Matthyro, we too had a snow free November...or I thought it would be. We've had snow everyday now for about 2 weeks...sometimes not a lot, but usually it comes down pretty good.
Charlie, great looking crane there.
Thanks Justin!
Wow! Who am I to complain about a little rain?
Snow before X-mas?! :eek:
It's unbelievably warm in the bluegrass state this year!
Sunny & 75 today!
I'm still wearing shorts! :cool:

P.S. Does anyone remember how we got from cranes to weather? :)
Well, we were talking about cranes, and this is the time of year that they migrate:


I think that's how we got onto weather, right? :)

It's finally fall in this part of Texas. The trees are really pretty today. Lots of yellow and red, and still a little green. One tree down my street is almost completely yellow except for some green on the south side. It makes a nice highlighting effect. I'm sure tomorrow, though, that all of the leaves will be dead and brown. The trees will be bare by this weekend. And I bet that the rains will begin early, too.

I'm dreaming...of a Muddy Christmas!

Since everyone is talking snow.... Here is a picture that I took this week on my UPS route. (Don't tell the boss.):rolleyes:

If you listen really hard, you can almost hear the overhead cranes flying south. :D (Just to get us back on topic.)


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