Our loss


Sep 9, 2002
Stockbridge, GA
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Joseph Michael Fortner was born on March 17, 2003 at 8:45 P.M. after 8 hours of labor. He was 34 weeks and 5 days, weighed 5 lbs, and was 19.06 inches long. He looked exactly like his bigger brother, down to the dimple in his chin. Unfortunately, this labor was not a planned one, but induced, as Joseph Michael was stillborn. Joseph Michael twisted his cord all the way from his belly button to the placenta, causing his sudden demise. He looked quite peaceful, and was not in any distress at his time of passing. He is well loved, and is being grieved.

Michael & Kate
Daniel 01-28-98
Joseph Michael Fortner, Angel Baby, 03-17-03
I'm sorry to hear that your baby was still born. Love your wife, and don't either one of you allow the other one to either blame or take blame for what happened. Babies sometimes get twisted up in the umbilical cord and strangle in the womb. It is no one's fault!
Michael & Kate,
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss...there is no loss that can compare to the loss of a child...my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.
Mike and Kate,

Nothing in life prepares us for this experience. Give support to and draw strength from each other. Please accept our sincerest sympathies and understanding for your loss. You are in our thoughts.

Dick and Linda
Michael, Kate and Daniel

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all during these trying times. It is difficult to understand why these things happen to good people, but it does, and it serves to make them closer and to give them strength to move ahead.

Don and Peggy Day
Oh my gosh Michael, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am not eloquent with words but think I understand the pain of losing a child. It's just not supposed to happen. No one wants to outlive their children! All I can say is hang in there and be strong for each other. Time will lessen the pain.

Best wishes, Gary
Friend Michael,

I was saddened to read about your baby, my thoughts and prayors go out to you and your wife Kate as well as the sole of the baby. You now have an angel in the heavans, looking over you as you journey through life. Thank you for sharing your tragedy with us, so we may know you are suffering.

Michael, Kate and Daniel
So very very sorry to hear that your baby was still born, my thoughts and prayer go to you all.
hi michael

sorry to hear that. i know and understand what you and your family is going though it is hard to lose any one in your family and even more painful when it is your own child i live with that fear every night when i put my boy to bed he has a very rare gentic brain dissorder called canavan's it slowly turns the brain into soup. this is what the church told me and my wife thing happen to pepole to see how strong they are and some pepole take it in stride and some don't give it time and always think of your son do something in his memory on your layout a car with his name on it or something like that it, it's like my dad tells me time heals all wounds but with a loss of a child time never heals that wound the memroy of him is all you have i know he wasn't with your family long but he is still with you all in your hearts he will always be with you all and knowing he isn't with you in body he is with you in soul
Michael, Kate and Daniel,
I am not too good with words at a time like this. Mere words are never enough to encompass or lessen the grief you must feel. All I can say is that you are all in my thoughts. Hold on to each other, for in the midst of this tragedy, you still have each other - and that is a lot.

A most unnerving thing to come about.. :( :( Our condolences to you all. Please remember that there is a reason in the Lord's mind that this sort of think happens to someone. -- It will make your love for your family stronger.

I have a close friend that He & His wife lost 2 "unborns" within 5 years - They're other children Born both before & after are healthy & Happy and in their 20's.. May God bless you all!!!

~~ Mikey