Oregon & Northwestern Railroad in a DQ

Thanks, guys.

Greg, this is an Atlas Trainmaster. We had originally planned on using the SD7's, but after we saw the Trainmaster that Atlas brought out (and they were so cheap on eBay), we went that way.

It turned out better in several ways:

a). The Trainmaster looked more like the Baldwins.

b). The Trainmaster pulled better than the SD7's in our tests.

c). The Trainmaster was also more DCC friendly.

(In case we want to operate on the layout we will need DCC since we did not divide the track into blocks.)

Time to eat lunch...then it's off to work on the project.

Good reasons for the FM and it should be a dependable running unit for a long time. Judging by the progress you have made so far, finishing the layout by the end of June looks plausible. Keep up the good work. :)

Greg Elems
A couple of new pictures taken after the work session tonight. The placement for the buildings in Seneca has pretty much been decided. A new log car reloading spur has been added since the last posting.


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The backdrop painting on the Hines/Burns end of the layout was roughed in tonight, and set up for the picture. Scenery work was also continued on the Hines/Burns end.

We had originally planned on having a divider to separate Hines and Burns, but time and talent constraints have caused us to scrap that idea, at least for now.


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I suspect that Rett's been too tired to update this post... but we did get the railroad installed in the Dairy Queen on Monday night/Tuesday morning. I heard everyone went home about 5 am (I had to bail early, since I'd already been up since 3 am Monday morning!). When I left, we had the benchwork installed, all the tracks connected again, and we were tackling a section of track that didn't want to line up again. Our contractor was installing the Masonite trim to hide the benchwork, and had installed the first support post for the plexiglass.

I came back in Tuesday evening for dinner, and all the plexiglass was installed, along with the framework to support it. It looks really nice. The train wasn't running (derailment) but no one was complaining, except for my kids! Pete is talking about installing a counter against part of the railroad, so people can sit and watch the trains go past in front of them while they eat.

We've still got a bunch of detailing yet to do, plus the large lumber storage sheds that the Edward Hines Lumber Co. had in Hines. They're still there, and one is at least 1400' long. Our model won't be quite so big...

If any of you are attending the N Scale Collector's Convention in Tulsa this weekend, say hi to Rett and let him know what a good job he (and the rest of us) have done.

I must be missing something about the Dairy Queen thing. The DQs in my area are little more than drive up shacks with a service window. There is no way you could display one at a DQ by me unless it were outside, and I doubt such fine work would be put outside. Sounds like DQs elsewhere must be full seating places.
The layout looks really good in it's new home! I might have to come to that Dairy Queen for a burger or two, to get a closer look at it!