ninjatoes tie-fighter released.

Thanks! This is a pleasant addition. Ninjatoes has a great selection of models. Thanks for the Head's Up! :)
:cool: another tie fighter thanks brother ninjatoes for having a xwing alone and wish to make a diorama thanks for giving us this fabulous ninjatoes tie fighter

... also open the cockpit ... poor driving a fighter pilot without deflector shield ...

This one seems very "old school", very handmade. Not a bad thing, IMO.
But it is strange, how one can get used to the computer graphic, so this model seems not so precise as others... But it is tempting to give it a go :) I like his style of instructions, really. And he knows how to use the brush and the aquarels :) see that the lines are not super straight like done by computers..
but other computer done tie fighters don't have the curved cockpit ..

And then does a handmade tie fighter looks a very much better then a computer made one.

( and i wish i could do something like this) :)
Great model, one of the best TIEs (if not the best) I have seen so far.

@ Elpapersyco

"... also open the cockpit ... poor driving a fighter pilot without deflector shield ..."

I read somewhere on the Internet, don't remember where.... something like "real men don't need shields to do their fight" :D (speaking precisely about TIE pilots). And I agree (at least after playing old Lucas Arts "X-Wing" and "TIE Fighter" simulators).
This one seems very "old school", very handmade. Not a bad thing, IMO.
But it is strange, how one can get used to the computer graphic, so this model seems not so precise as others... But it is tempting to give it a go :) I like his style of instructions, really. And he knows how to use the brush and the aquarels :)
I'm sure that someone will redraw it like the Defiant and the Runabout. The model actually looks better than previous TIE Fighters :thumb: .