New Years' resolutions:



Resolution 1: Clean up the workshop. Okay, it's not perfect, but you should have seen it before :eek:


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Resolution 2: Watch exciting football action in the Rose an Sugar bowls.

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Resolution 3: Finish up those passenger cars I have been working on for a year. These are the old-style Model Die Casting 30' overton cars that I picked up at a train show for cheap. I narrowed them and mounted them on some old HOn3 kemptron trucks. The windows are plastic packaging from some flashlights that I gave my nephews for christmas. The lettering is custom decals printed on a 3 buck HP printer I picked up at a thrift store. The clerestory windows are the same clear plastic, frosted with dullcote. The "tarpaper" roof I made using Malcom Furlow's technique of painting the roof black and laying toilet tissue strips in the wet paint, and then painting again. And the window shades are resume paper.



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Too funny. As I looked at the first picture, my first thought was the same as CJTK's - "Is that a 65 mustang in the window?".

The good news - I too have a 1965 Mustang (coupe). It is silver blue, with a blue interior. It has a 289 with 4bbl carb, and a 3 speed manual transmission that I hope to swap out some day for either T4 automatic or a 5 speed manual.

The bad news - I took my neighbor up on his offer to winter the car for me in his 2nd garage, and there it has sat, for the last 2 years.

I need a new years resolution to get my car out of my neighbors garage and get it on the road again! For the past 2 summers, I always plan to do it, and then life just gets in the way.
Get rid of all your other cars. If the '65 is all you got, you'll get it working :) I've probably put 120k miles on mine since I got it back in 1997. I think the grand total for that car has to be approaching half a million.

I instantly recognized the 65 Stang because I used to have a 68, traded it for a 66 Fairlane 500 that I used to race, I now have a 65 Galaxy 500 and a 61 Galaxy. I'm a bit of a Ford man. For the 65 I have a 351 Cleveland and an FMX transmission, I also a have 74 Police interceptor tranny to choose from. I had fully intended to have the Gal in the garage this winter, but I've been turning it into a Gym, Bar, Workshop and ManCave. :D I used to drive the 65 to college, but it sat for ten years, so it need to get some TLC. I want to do a Frame Off, but I'll wait till I actually get it in the garage. LOL. Perhaps that should have been one of the resolutions.sign1
Those coaches are :thumb: beeyooteefulll. Man that is some nice work!

Oh, yeah, nice car too. LOL!! I am a Ford guy but the trucks are where its at for me. I am restoring an old 70's Bronco.
