New to this forum


New Member
Aug 9, 2005
Ellisville, MS USA
Hello all;
My name is Glenn.....

I'm new to this forum, so I wanted to introduce myself.
Some of you know me from some other forums & some of you don't.
I've been in N scale since 1971, before there was very much good stuff around.
Got my start with an Atlas train set, 2 Bachmann buildings, a few extra cars & track, set up on my desk. Lots have changed in N scale since then.
My interests lie in small & coffee table sized layouts, since I only have limited space to have a layout.

Now, I'm gonna sit back & enjoy the ride. I'm gonna pick up any new ideas that I can. Also, if I can help someone in any way, please let me know.

Hope to be chatting with some of you soon.....
Welcome to the gauge Glenn. You have made a wise decision in joining the gauge. There are alot of freindly and helpful people here. So, don't be shy, and ask any questions you may have. Someone here will definitly help you out.

Glad to have you here at The Gauge Glenn.:wave::wave: You will find things here a bit different from some other forums. We are a friendly bunch and there are those here with some uncanny talents that we all learn from. You'll find that it doesn't take long for someone to answer a question or provide help. We like to think of everybody as extended family.

With your background, I'm sure you'll have a lot to share with us and give us some much needed help as well.:thumb::thumb:
Welcome Aboard, Glenn :) I think you have it down :D Just read up on all we've been doing & help where you can and ask questions for what you need :D :D

oh yeah. and post pics when you can!! We have a gallery & We all like pics!!! :) :)

See ya around the board!!
welcome aboard,

I'm fairly new here too, but it didn't take long to be accepted. If you have a question, ask it, if you have advice, give it. We'll answer it and we'll take it.

It's a great forum with great people.
Welcome to the roster Glenn, have a great time here, in no time at all you`ll think you have been here for far longer than you have, plenty of great modelers here, with great advice, and sujestions, to any question you care to a good one..steve