New Titanic from Sir Currell - Beta Report

Hans & Darwin, yes it is waterline. And I see that this can be used to create an innovative base.

I've been seeing photos of past shows in Germany, and they make great water-like bases. I want to make something similar... who knows, maybe an iceberg can be done too.
For the aft, this part gives the ship a good perspective of the model.


Remember this is a beta, so the build is not 101% clean. You can see here that the hull must align with the forecastle (look mom, I'm learning ship-language!).
"RMS Titanic" Model 1:200 Scale from Ralph Currell

Hola, compadre!

This really is great news! Ralph Currell is an excellent designer of advanced card models of the highest precision and appearance.
What an honour to be chosen to do the Beta build - but then, you are widely known these days for building models at a rapid pace - and very good looking ones, too!

I will closely follow this interesting thread.

Muchas Gracias, Gerardo,
Bengt :smile:
Thanks for the words, friends (and compadre). Funny thing is, I kept on downloading models, and put them in the "to do" list (oh! and I'm also building one of the Alfonso's AXM Shuttles... uf!)

Anyway, here's the update.

Since I want to show my local model club how a paper ship is made, I left the Titanic as you saw it in the last photograph. Then, last night I went on building a new one. As you can see in the next photo, it's in a different base... I thought it would be better to put the ship diagonally on the base, what do you think?


(Chris, my writing is on the other side of the formers, hehe)
"RMS Titanic" Model 1:200 Scale from Ralph Currell

Jeez, Gerardo,

This model is incredibly small! You have my sincere admiration.
You must have very good eyesight up close (I wish I had).

And you´re building TWO at the same time? . . My goodness! I don´t know a faster builder on the planet. Caramba!

Keep up the good work,
Bengt :smile:
Bengt, I've been thinking on your case... the fact that you always explode your models 2 or more times. Well... I think I'll do the same with Sir Ralph Titanic. But I have to go to a print shop capable of do so, and I mean, a good amount of tint to spend on this beauty.

As I mentioned, the details are great for this one, so it should look awesome 2 or 3 times its original size.

Oh, BTW, for modeling I used lenses (2x on each eye).
Boy oh boy! I did not realize the size until I saw that scale cube! Super job on this!