New loco shed


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
With the help of Jon & JimT suppling me with home cut stripwood, I have at last finsihed my new loco shed. Here she is with a photo of the old (Now gone) shed.


Here's a view of the run down look.

Perfect!!,Anything better wouldnt have been a logging shed.Cant be using perfectly good saleable lumber for something like an engine shed;)
Besides, now nobody has to worry about lettin the coons in, they can come and go as they please:D
You are the master Obe wan!!:thumb:
I see someone opened the windows to let the breeze in. :D :cool:

Have you ever thought of constructing a structure that had been damaged by fire? Would have been quite comon in an all wooden logging environment.
Hey, thanks kindly my friends.
still need to add a smoke unit to the stove I am about to place inside.

Then it will look as if its on fire Woodie.LOL

Paul, I thought I sent you better wood that that! It looks 100 years old and in terrible shape! That must be the stuff Jon sent! LOL Actually, I'm really proud to have my first wood cutting experience show up on a fantastic structure like that. You're work and pictures are a real inspiration for the rest of us.

Cheers, Jim
Originally posted by shamus
Hey, thanks kindly my friends.
still need to add a smoke unit to the stove I am about to place inside.

Then it will look as if its on fire Woodie.LOL


Paul, be careful of smoke units indoors. The stuff creates some awful air pollution. It also dirtys track for ho, but On30 might have enough mass to overcome the mess.
Thanks again, here a night time shot of it.


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