new layout photos


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
Finally got my layout underway and thought I would share a few photos.

Looking good, nice set-up you got there, I like it :D :D

I to am curious as to how come you didn't do roadbed? Roadbed makes the trains more quiet when running and also gives it a more realistic look when doing roads and other scenery. Another reason for roadbed is that it provides a good base for ballast. Just wondering.

Keep up the GREAT work, Please update with more pics as you go :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I am putting roadbed down just didnt get that far yet. I wanted to know exactly where my track was going to lay before I put down the roadbed. Right now its just pinned in place.
I got all the track straight and pinned it down so it wouldnt move. Then I figured I can take small sections out to put down the bed and everything should line right back up.
Hi mummert,

You may wan to consider using a righthand turnout instead of the left in the front of the first photo. You are setting your trains up for a bad S-curve coming down grade and then onto the branch, or main, whichever it is.

Also, the track to the yard coming from under the 3rd bridge should have a left-hand turnout (the points are away from camera) that can go straight and connect with the area with the bunch of cross-overs just left of the yard. That will give you a nice long siding and drill track for engines working the yard while still keeping the main, or branch, open.

Hope that helps
I would have to agree with Zedob about the turn outs. Also it looks like a long reach for that loop behind your grade to rerail a fallen tran.
Yea I know, it willnever happen.
I agree with the turnout coming down the grade never thought that looked right. As far as the other turnout I'm not sure I understand what you mean. You will have to excuse my ignorance this is my first layout. As far as the loop behind the grade that is going to be covered by a mountain to top it off.:rolleyes: I will have access panel in the back to rescue my fallen trains. Here is another picture of the yard from a different angle.The only thing I had thought about changing was on the left track after the first right turnout was putting two more right turnouts and making a ladder instead of the curve with the left turnout. Is that what you meant. Thanks for all the help so far everybody. Im trying to get all the bugs worked out before I glue everything down.
I made some changes after the helpful advice and I must say I am a lot happier with the out come. Thanks all.
Got my roadbed finished. Well almost finished the area in the yard that is not finished is because a two stall locomotive shed is going to go there and I want to wait till I get that so I know exactly where those two sections of track will go.


I thought I would post some pictures as to what my ideas are for this layout. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.


I dont know what for factory I am going with. I wanted to put in walthers paper mill but found out that it is discontinued. I would like to stick with something lumber oriented do all the wooded area I will have on the layout. I found a factory woods furniture that may be a possiblity.
It is looking :thumb: good so far. I see you are using section tracks. In my layout I use flex track. for me the trains run smoother. But the layout taking shape and you look like you have hour of enjoyment building and running it
Im getting ready to wire it so I can get a train on it. I havent did to much sodering so I'm not sure how that will go. After I know things are running smoothly Im going to glue the track down and then I think I am going to start working on the mountains.
Wow its been a long time since I updated this but I have made a little progress. I kinda took the summer off but I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. Since I last posted I got all my track glued painted and added a couple of bridges.


I also got started on building the first mountain




This mountain isnt quiet finished. I got some holes to fill in and the tunnel portals need finished but its coming along.
I guess most important I finally got a train running on it.:thumb:

Wow - you've got so much space to work with - what a great problem to have for an Nscale layout! Really nice job so far! Keep the pictures coming so we can see the progress.