new job



On January 7th I begin a new job with the state department of water resources. I gave notice at my current job yesterday :mrgreen: Now, this new job won't bring me much more money, but it will give me heaps more free time! The past 2-3 months, I have had to use most of my free time just catching up on household chores and resting up from 70 hour work weeks and being on-call 24/7 wall1:curse:. So, how am I celebrating? I'M BUILDING A NEW LAYOUT! I've got all the materials I need to start building the benchwork, and now I have the time to build it. It's just a 4x8 - but I'm quite excited about it!

That's good news, Kevin. :thumb: The money aspect of a job is almost meaningless compared to the time side of the equation. Good luck at the new job, and with the new layout, too. I hope that you'll keep us posted on your progress.
