Need Some advice.


May 10, 2006
Hot Arizona
I have a unindentified brand of IC coil car that came to me in bad shape. I'm currently putting metal wheel sets and new Kadee couplers on it. I recieved the coil car with one truck detached and missing the pin that attaches it to the bottom of the frieght car. What are these pins called? Or should I replace it with a screw?

Also does anyone know who made this model?

First that looks like a old AHM coil car..This car was also release by IHC and maybe ITT.
I would just use the pins since this car is no longer available.
You can replace it with a screw, if it is the right size hole. If not, you can plug it with styrene rod and drill and tap for a screw. If you don't have any styrene rod, you can melt and stretch a piece of plastic sprue to make your own... :)

Alternately, if you have any spare part from Accurail kits, you may find an extra pin in there. Don't know if it'll fit...

Ya know AHM was the first thing I thught of....the truck mounted couplers are similar to my passenger kits I'm upgrading.

brakie said:
First that looks like a old AHM coil car..This car was also release by IHC and maybe ITT.
I would just use the pins since this car is no longer available.