Need a motor - Bachmann EMD DD40AX Centennial UP 6932 HO


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Are electric motors available? I popped the cab off and on is missing, it's circular, white plastic... ??

Are electric motors available? I popped the cab off and on is missing, it's circular, white plastic... ??


"Circular" as in wider around the motor shaft than longer? Like a thick pancake? If that's the case, you'll either have to contact Bachmann directly, or scour FeeBay and MRR fleamarkets for a parts loco. This was a custom-fit motor for that loco - you won't get one off the shelf to work.

If by "circular" you mean cylindrical, like a beer-can, then you might be able to get an Athearn motor that you can fit (with some fiddly work on your part) and get it to work.

Welcome to the joys of trainset-quality locos.
The motor sits vertically over the truck, the shaft is horizontal (90 degrees from the loco frame). and, and yes, does look like a pancake. I pulled this and several other cars, parts, etc, out of a box that used to belong to my younger brother...

I'm new at this, (like you didn't know?) :shock:


The loco looks like this:
Yep. You're not going to get an off-the-shelf fix for that. Either find a beater off of Ebay, or try getting a replacement from Bachmann.

It's a cheap, toy-level loco, from before Bachmann cleaned up their act. Best thing to do is put the cab back on, dust it off and set it on the bookcase.