My newest scene - Abandoned steamer


Active Member
Oct 25, 2006
Sundown, Louisiana, USA
You're about to see the transformation of an old Bachmann steamer into a classic scene of an abandoned rusted relic outside the engine house.

Start with one dilapidated steamer, add some rust,


Add more rust to suit taste.

Bury track so only top half of rails show.

Add some junk to the scene.

Now for some grass and weeds. Notice that two of the domes and some other pieces have been removed.


Now throw in some bushes and some diffirent colors of grass.



Not bad for half a days work.
Looks great!I'd probably use an old deisel of some sort,but the same idea.Maybe an F unit or old SD9,something like that.

goes to show the imagination of some of the members on here. there should be an old loco on everyones layout since nowadays ther everywhere there replacements are.--josh
Whoa, that's a cool scene. I would liike to implement something similar in my future layout, I hope you dont mind.
Looks like a good candidate for the local historical society. Maybe they can restore it to operational condition for a couple of million bucks.
Thanks for the compliments. The scene isn't finished yet. There's still a myriad of little details to add as well as a couple of guys looking her over with hopes of something more than a cosmetic restoration in mind. They don't know it yet but they have an uphill battle ahead of them, up Mt. Everest!
The scene looks great, Jeffrey. :thumb: :thumb: I was following your progress over on the Model Railroader site, and it was interesting to see you make changes as the suggestions came in. Very nice work!

I love it. The overgrowth makes it look ancient. Burying the rails was a good idea. Maybe you could add semi-buried ties leading towards the other track, making it look like the engine was pushed there and them the track was pulled up.
Jim Krause said:
Looks like a good candidate for the local historical society. Maybe they can restore it to operational condition for a couple of million bucks.


Nice job, great weathering, and great scenery!

Now just have a couple of the bars falling off the wheels and you're good to go!
Jeffrey, that is one cool scene. Very well executed too. I really have no new comments to make, as everyone else ahead of me pretty well summed it up