My Father's Illness


Active Member
Aug 15, 2002
Cobblers Knob, IN
Helllo friends. I've not been on-line much for weeks, as I took a new position at my company and my father has fallen ill. It's pretty bad:

>>My father is in ICU at Home Hospital. It's been a rough week, and
>>they've finally determined he has cancer, and it's inoperable. He's too
>>weak for chemo, and surgery is completely out. There is a small chance
>>that it would respond to a pill and buy us some time. He's got
>>complications from it and is on a resperator. Our goal is to get him
>>back home and spend some time with him. We may meet our goal with or
>>without the pill.

You are my friends, and I felt you should know. It was not until today that we really knew the prognosis.

I don't really know you, but I know exactly the position you are in. I was there 2 years ago. Best of luck and spend as much time with the old man as you can...even if he doesn't know you are there. YOU will know you were there.

Hang in there!

Good luck to you and your family. We all know what it is like to loose those close to us, but hopefully you can have an outstanding Christmas with your family and be reminded what Christmas is all about!

So very sorry to read this Matey :cry: You and your family know our prayer`s will be acending to the Throne of Grace for you all.

I do hope when you get Dad home he is not in to much pain.

This on top of a new position at work must put a lot of strain on you John.
Take it one day at a time friend.
I hope your wishes all come true babe. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Your friend always, Fred
Jon - Sorry to hear about your dad, I know what you are going thru because my father is turned 80 last April. He is in pretty bad shape also, we dont know if he will make it thru this winter.
Our prayers are with you.
It's hard to find words that will help, but let us just say that we are all here and we care about you and your family. You are all in our prayers and we wish for the best outcome possible for you, your father and your other family members.

We also wish you the best in your new position.
Sorry to hear about your father Jon.
Hang in there. Make the best of the time you have together and remind him of the better times you've had together.
You and your family will be in our prayers.
It's very difficult to face what you and your family are going through Jon. I just hope that your father has some comfort and being at home with family is the best thing that can happen for him.
Jon very sorry to hear Dad is not well and I can sympatize as my Mom is suffering thru her cancer treatments and things are not looking well for her prognosis. I try to spend as much time with her as I can so she knows I truly love her. Hope you guys make a miraculous recovery and please honor all your promises to him. Sincerely yours Pat
Jon. I've missed you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I know how your world can be turned upside down. My heart goes out to you and your family. I feel your concern and your sadness as my father has recently suffered 2 strokes and now he just isn't himself. He isn't gone yet, but I have lost him forever. This has made me very sad and so I haven't been posting much.

When medical problems stinks!

Back in 1973, my mother was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph gland. Also an in-operable type of cancer. She took heavy kemo therapy that made her very sick for a while and all her hair fell out, but the cancer went into remission for 7 years. Me, being a foolish young man had a disagreement with her at one point, about 1978, and I refused to talk to her for 6 months. She thought my girlfriend was wrong for me. My mom died on Christmas day in 1980. My girlfriend, who became my wife, left me in 1984. So mom was right. And I am a big fool for wasting 6 months of what little time she had left.

Your facing a tough section of track on a bad grade, my friend. Throttle back and easy on the brakes. I hope and pray for the best for you and your family.

Be strong.
