Model of The Month TWO!: Battlestar Galactica TOS Colonial Warrior Blaster 1:1

I would love to see a papercraft of the revamp of the Classic Cylon Raider from the 'new' BSG movie Razor. It looked almost identical to the OS version, just sleeker and more refined. Hopefully whoever eventually tackles it, is someone who has a great aptitude for detail. My fingers are crossed for this one.
I completely agree. The classic Raider from Razor is just mean and a real hardcore design.

As you might know, a few years ago I wrote a complete virtual season two for the classic BSG. The scripts were supposed to be used for making a BSG continuation in comic book form. Unfortunately due to time constraints I was unable to complete this project (there are some pages ready though). When I saw the end of the new BSG the idea spawned in me to write a new story which combines the two shows (it IS possible, believe me!). The Razor designs would be prominent there, and I was about to redraw the already made pages and to replace the classic Cylons by the Razor Centurians.

I really hope that someone picks up the idea of an 1:1 Razor Centurian. It would make a very nice addition to the great 1:1 Terminator papercraft from the Japanese papercraft book and all the 1:1 R2-D2s which are around. And it would scare any burglar off if set up in your living room (be sure your girlfriend loves BSG or you would scare her off, too :twisted: !).
@ Revell - Fan unfortunately I only got ta see a few episodes of th' new BSG no time. Th' razor centurions were cool lookin. I'd like ta see your drawins of that comic you should post it.
@ Revell - Fan unfortunately I only got ta see a few episodes of th' new BSG no time. Th' razor centurions were cool lookin. I'd like ta see your drawins of that comic you should post it.
Maybe some time! Got to translate it first (it's all German).
Hello, everyone!

No, this project is not finished yet, and it has NOT been abandoned!!! It is just on hold for a short time. I have teamed up with Rhaven Blaack to develop some Buck Rogers TF mods. Don't worry, I am going to pick up the blaster asap. But, as you all know, time is the essence. Please be patient, it's worth the wait!!!


RF :wave::wave::wave:
Good to hear! I still rather see the original than the new version. It was OK but I grew up with the original. The blaster will make a great display for my art studio.



(But I DO love the new one, too; McCreary's music, the drama, the actors and the retro-style Cylons are unbeatable!)

I have picked up the project again and have made some minor changes to certain parts. The most difficult task will certainly be the clean-up before unfolding. CU! :wave:
Hello, folks!

The work continues. This is a test unfold of the marker. The cap needs some changes; new pictures reveal that there are not four corners but (approximately) six. The top has to become a bit smaller, too. I recommend using gold coloured paper to build the final version. I'm preparing a white and a coloured version of both the blaster and the marker. So you may build the white "Ship of Lights / Time Travel" version, too, and those who intend to use black / gold coloured paper may save ink.


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looks like nearly an edding .... run away :)

But great Works
Best Regards

Gut beobachtet! Apogee indeed used markers / felt-tips to make these. They painted them gold and attached them to the warrior's belts. :thumb:

That's looking pretty cool! Sorry I gotta say that the top of the recharge cylinder is a little off... I've got one of the original magic markers they used for the recharge cylinder laying around somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I think (using the term loosely) that the top cap is more 6 pointed than 4. Katarra usually has some resin copies for sale on ebay, although unfortunately, it's just a side-on view, and not as useful as a top or 3/4 view.

Sorry I don't have any useful photos to contribute! But you're work is looking great!
That's looking pretty cool! Sorry I gotta say that the top of the recharge cylinder is a little off... I've got one of the original magic markers they used for the recharge cylinder laying around somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I think (using the term loosely) that the top cap is more 6 pointed than 4. Katarra usually has some resin copies for sale on ebay, although unfortunately, it's just a side-on view, and not as useful as a top or 3/4 view.

Sorry I don't have any useful photos to contribute! But you're work is looking great!

Yes, you are right! Recently I found some new photos (including this one) revealing that there are in fact 6 edges. I tried a 5-edged and a 6-edged version and found that the reflections on a 6-edged version come very close to the original prop. I revised my version last week and will give you an accurized prototype soon. Oh, and thanks for the tip anyway! :thumb:
I am proud to tell you that construction of the blaster CG model is (finally) FINISHED! It took quite some time, but I wanted it to look as good as possible. In addition, this is the first CG model I have created in my life and I had a lot to learn. This model taught me a great deal when it came to modeling round corners and planning the different sections for unfolding, too.

Now I will bake the two halfs together, clean the model up and start unfolding.

I have attached some pics of the final model. Some parts will be conceived during the first test build, such as the layered structure around the muzzle and the Apollo capsule radar array on the top. The texure will be revised as well to make it look more realistic.

Stay tuned and please be patient!



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As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I would like to add light and sound to my model. I know how to add the light and how to make it work, however, I don't know how to make the sound play when you pull the trigger. The sound modules available in the shops are way too expensive and the programmable sound chips used in Birthday or X-mas cards don't sound good. Does anyone know a way to build a cheap and effective device which might do the job, maybe with an mp3 player?
There are several cheap sound effect toys that might provide usable sound effects.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I would like to add light and sound to my model. I know how to add the light and how to make it work, however, I don't know how to make the sound play when you pull the trigger. The sound modules available in the shops are way too expensive and the programmable sound chips used in Birthday or X-mas cards don't sound good. Does anyone know a way to build a cheap and effective device which might do the job, maybe with an mp3 player?

If you search on instructables you'll find many that modify those audio greeting cards like and

I wish I had more time to help with that, but maybe this will point you in the right direction.
