

Jul 7, 2001
Whitehouse, Tx USA
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I don't know if my recollecter isn't working right, or I've missed something. I haven't seen anything lately by Aussien, Marxed, Woodie, and several others. I just don't recollect their names attached to anything for quite some time now.

Ausien was here a few days ago, marxed was here yesterday, woodie was here about a week ago and I haven't been able to find anyone registered by "several others"....:rolleyes:

Just kidding, I'm thinking that maybe a lot of people haven't been posting this past week or so because of the speed of the server. It's been frustrating for sure, but so far today it's zipping along like it used to.:thumb: Mikey thinks that maybe Peter put a few drops of Wahl oil into the server to free it up a bit.:D :D
Although no one missed me apparently, I just checked in and noticed I haven't been on the sitr since July 31st. Guess I'll have to do a little better. I am doing just about as well on my layout that is being sceniced by itself with a light coat of dust. Maybe not that it is cooling off I get back to inside stuff including my train.:) :)

yellowlynn said:
Don, you should have known that Bob Collins was one of those 'several others'. I was just testing you when I didn't name him.

I knew that, I was just testing you to see if you knew...:D (Ya know neither one of us can win this one.. :rolleyes: )
i'm still here and i sign on daily... i check out the photos and watch for any marx related posts... i've been having an active outdoor summer soo trains been kind of put off on the side burner for the moment soo no new posts... i'm rebuilding my layout and it's far from complete! i'll eventually finish it up and post some more pics :)