Matt hyro

Wow Phillip, that's nice. I might order some of that stuff myself. The paper rusted tin looks great. Fred
excuse me

your making it look like I started this thread to help Robin improve his modeling skills? Not the case.

I would never do that to Robin.
Philip I can asure you I need as much help as possible and I know you are there in support of me. As I said, I apreciate the link you provided and also the link Val gave us. Together we will improve our modelling skills and that helps the Gauge to grow. We are all friends here.
philip said:
excuse me

your making it look like I started this thread to help Robin improve his modeling skills? Not the case.

I would never do that to Robin.

Philip, that was not my intention. I was just trying to make a joke and also say that I think Robin is a great modeller. It would never occur to me that anyone would start a thread with the purpose of telling Robin he needs to improve!!! Actually, I don't think anyone on this forum would tell anyone else on this forum that they need to improve their modelling skills -- unless they specifically asked of course.

It seemed to me that your link was something cool that you wanted to share, as you said. Nothing more implied.

Great looking buildings!! :thumb: Sadly nothing I can use as they are to old for my era. :(

Val,Thanks for posting that link..I see a lot of vents I can use for my industrial buldings.. :D