Livery/Colours Question


Active Member
Mar 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I've already kind of looked into this question but thought I'd check here if my conclusions are correct.

I was just curious as to how late the CNR green/yellow livery was used, particularly on F units, C liners, etc. And I have the same question regarding CP's Maroon/grey colour scheme.

I suspect they were used well into the '70s, possibly the '80s. So, basically, I suspect that older locos in the CNR green/yellow were still operating at the same time when the current black/red/white scheme was first introduced. Likewise, I suspect some maroon/grey locos (F units?) were still operating when CPR switched to their current red scheme.

Is this correct?
Great question Rob. I don't know for sure but I believe CN switched to the "new noodle" design in the mid '60s. I think CP switched to the multi-mark a year or to after.
I am looking for pictures on CP's GP 9 in the maroon/grey colours. I was looking to do mine in the Huron Central orange and black but this is to modern.
CN switched to black/red-orange/white in '61. CP switched to Multimark in '68. Based on photos I've seen, old CN colors are rare after 1970. Old CP colors are common into the mid-70s. For both railroads, a few engines lasted in the old colors into the beginning of the 80s.
CN switched to black/red-orange/white in '61. CP switched to Multimark in '68. Based on photos I've seen, old CN colors are rare after 1970. Old CP colors are common into the mid-70s. For both railroads, a few engines lasted in the old colors into the beginning of the 80s.

Thanks, Triplex -- that's helpful & interesting. Rob