
Guys, can I get some help with flasplayer?
I checked the plugins and I have ver 9.0 r100 and ver 9.0 r124. I need to remove one but I can't find what the file is called. Any ideas?


Loren, I'm not sure but I checked the Synaptic packages manager, my plugin is listed as flashplugin-nonfree v9.0.124. Now I'm still using Ubuntu 7.10 ( I always wait a couple of months before upgrading because I don't feel like a Guinea pig ).

BT, if I do a "aboutlugins" in Firefox, it shows two versions of Flashplayer running. I know I need to delete the older version, but I don't know what that plugin is called. From what I have been able to find, flashplayer will not run with two versions installed. Synaptic packages manager also shows I only have flashplugin-nonfree v9.0.124.
Now I'm really confused.

Ok, I went to Synaptic packages manager deleted flashplugin-nonfree v9.0.124 and then reinstalled. I still had two plugins in firefox before the reinstall and after. And if I try to run a flashplayer movie, I still get I need flashplayer 9.wall1

Well, I used Synaptic, purged all the video players and reinstalled flashplayer 9.0.
At least now I can watch u tube and stuff.
Thanks for the help B.T. That last link gave me the idea.

Guys, can I get some help with flasplayer?
I checked the plugins and I have ver 9.0 r100 and ver 9.0 r124. I need to remove one but I can't find what the file is called. Any ideas?

Yes i had same problem. when i look in synaptic I see the non free ver 124 so remove the 100. But I seam to remember removing swf player of some sort.

The topic can be found in the ubuntu forum. I you start a new thread and type in the title flash conflict the system will give you the best suited thread already made the forum is pretty cool.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm still running Ubuntu 7.10.
I checked the installed packages with synaptic and did a search with "flash".
it returned some other installed packages such as:

I don't remember what I did exactly in order to have flash running. Sorry

I think about it now, but wouldn't it be better to move that thread to the off topic subforum. ?
I'm not the thread starter, so it is just a suggestion here.


Gnash is the one I removed yes that is exactly it conflicting apps.

Also about forum subject I don't care I use the guages front page for all posts if it isn't on the front page I don't see it. Thats all i care about.wall1:eek:ops::eek::confused::mrgreen::thumb::cool::curse::twisted::psign1

I mean, I don't care if they move it sorry.

RonP, don't worry if your thread is moved to the Off Topic subforum. Now that we know that some The Gauge members are interested in Linux, we'll check the Off Topic subforum more often.
And the Linux thread won't be forgotten ( Linuxly speaking, go to the /dev/null file ).
I posted on the Off Topic subforum several months ago ( about a Calculus textbook ) and guess what, I still receive some replies about that topic.

Linux, as in free speech and free beer


Sometimes things are meant to happen the way they do, I found a Red Hat linux software box at a thrift store which made me somewhat interested in Linux and the next thing I knew there was a linux thread on a hobby forum for trains:shock: Seek and you shall find(may not be where expect it to be):wave:

Still waiting for ubuntu to come in the mail. Lots of open source programs out there for linux:mrgreen:
Well..... I have been using Linux Ubuntu for 2 weeks now. Not once have I used windows. And I am impressed. I have not needed to restart or turn off the computer once. Using Windows I know that is not possible.There were a few problems to resolve ( nothing major ) that are taken care of now. The amount of help and information that is available is amazing. And the programs you can download! Unreal! There were two programs made for Windows that I had to use, but they were very specialized. Nothing most people would need. One is my switch list program and the other is a diabetic logbook. I plan on waiting 2 more months just to make sure, and if I am still happy with Linux, Windows is gone.
And did I mention how much faster Linux is? Another big plus.
Thanks for starting this thread, Ron.

Loren ( happy in Ubuntu land )
If you run into trouble let us know. In my site statistics there are to many fellows out there using Vista and win 98. Its a real shame.

The main pc I use runs ME:eek::eek::eek:

I have linux on a pc I have been reworking it now has the dual boot thing I can choose between XP and ubantu:cool: now if I could get the sound to work in xp it half way works in ubantu It may be a driver issuewall1 I could listen to music and surf the net without any stutters in the music or long delays in loading pages:wave: