
Hotmail is web based isn't it ? I am about to go out for a drive with the kids when I get back I'll help you track down a solution.

It is worth noting that hotmail is M$ software. Gmail is a much better email solution and it would even accept your hotmail messages easier then you might think. Also web based.
Ok, RonP, you've got me interested as well, but let me throw this out there... I was looking into getting a Mac machine for many of the reasons you are citing for Linux - more robust and lighter operating system, faster start up times, simpler configuration, etc. What are your thoughts on that? Greater cost would be a negative, but greater support and more programs would be a positive...

Hm you openned a can of worms there. I have never used mac, Linux and mac have allot of similarities. What they are exactly well I think Mac OS is unix based.

Ubuntu is Free OSx is not thats the bottom line for me.

I think the benefits are something that cannot be compared as easily as windows, actually they sway more towards linux in my opinion as mac is not as game friendly as windows either.
Ron, I try to install and I am told I need a newer version from the software channel?
While I have you on the line (so to speak) is it true that no antivirus program is needed for Linux?

oh how did i do that ? I forget if you go to the ubuntu forums the search feature there is more advanced than any I have seen before and the board is hugely populated with visitors. so specific answers are easy to get there. or google rpm to deb or rpm to deb conversion I forget i am ashamed to say lol.
Thanks Ron, XTRK is running and updated.
Now, mind telling me how you converted the rpm file? Or point me to a tutorial?


To convert an rpm to a deb file, use the command

sudo alien -k name.of.rpm

That's it...

(If that doesn't work, make sure the 'alien' package is installed...)

Thanks guys. Went to the forums and found out about alien. Just finished installing it.
I will say, I haven't had this much fun with a computer since win3.1 and dos.

Guys, can I get some help with flasplayer?
I checked the plugins and I have ver 9.0 r100 and ver 9.0 r124. I need to remove one but I can't find what the file is called. Any ideas?

Was just wondering if there are any C,C+,C++ compilers out there that will work with in a linux enviroment????