Kursk submarine by Fly model

This is truly the most impressive paper submarine model I've ever seen---in fact, it is the most impressive mass market sub model I've ever seen, period! The detail on even the inside of the torpedo/missile housing doors is astounding. The size is amazing. What a boon for Russian submarine fans.
This is truly the most impressive paper submarine model I've ever seen---in fact, it is the most impressive mass market sub model I've ever seen, period! The detail on even the inside of the torpedo/missile housing doors is astounding. The size is amazing. What a boon for Russian submarine fans.
Wow, that is truly impressive! What a tribute to the men lost on the real one. I look forward to seeing one built.

Scott K.
Wow, that is truly impressive! What a tribute to the men lost on the real one. I look forward to seeing one built.

Scott K.
Definitely, but it is fascinating. Cutting edge Russian technology. What a colossus.
Definitely, but it is fascinating. Cutting edge Russian technology. What a colossus.
My father was on the CHARR in WWII and he had nightmares for years after. I went down in a diving bell in San Francisco and that did it for me for submersion. Normally I avoid sub models, but this monster intrigues me. Too bad it was a death boat. Bet those sailors on SAN FRANCISCO were glad that bulkhead didn't cave-in.
My father was on the CHARR in WWII and he had nightmares for years after. I went down in a diving bell in San Francisco and that did it for me for submersion. Normally I avoid sub models, but this monster intrigues me. Too bad it was a death boat. Bet those sailors on SAN FRANCISCO were glad that bulkhead didn't cave-in.
I'm getting it, but my next is either the HMV DERFFLINGER or the Fantom REPULSE.
I'm getting it, but my next is either the HMV DERFFLINGER or the Fantom REPULSE.
Off topic but what the heck.

Hey GB, would that TY 45 be the Angraf kit?

I just bought one myself on EBay and got a great deal on it.

Book! Tons of parts, too many to count!

Back to topic. Awesome looking kit! I've never been a fan of models of subs due to lack of detail but this baby is definately on my Christmas list!
