Just found out

Looks to me like, to the newer folk in this hobby, you're filling the niche once occupied by John Allen............and you're doing one sweet dag nabbitted job of it. It may not be the Gore & Daphetid, but your work has the same innovation, and character.
The things that inspired me then, are in your work now, so, the more published you are, the better it will be for the next generation of model railroaders. Congratulations, and I'm looking forward to the future articles you mentioned.
Congratulation:thumb: :thumb:

Well deserved for your fabulous work:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Originally posted by sumpter250
Looks to me like, to the newer folk in this hobby, you're filling the niche once occupied by John Allen............and you're doing one sweet dag nabbitted job of it. It may not be the Gore & Daphetid, but your work has the same innovation, and character.
The things that inspired me then, are in your work now, so, the more published you are, the better it will be for the next generation of model railroaders. Congratulations, and I'm looking forward to the future articles you mentioned.

Hi Pete, that’s one hell of an accolade my friend because John Allen was the one person who inspired me to make possible a model railroad that was believable. Also I was inspired by his photography techniques as well as his modelling craftsmanship. Yep, as they used to say in show business, that’s one act to follow for sure.
Don't be modest Shamus.

You ARE in the same class as the best.:thumb:

Comparing your C&TS to Allen McClelland's (one of MR's favorites) V&O or anything I have seen from the likes of John Allen or Linn Wescott.

You are a peer of theirs OOHH Great (but shy) Shamus :thumb:
Welll Welllllllll :) :) I just got my issue!!!!!! Paul, It's fantastic!!!!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Even if you hadn't posted the "notice" here - all I had to do is see the cover pic & I woulda known it was the C&TS :) :) The trees alone give it away LOL

I see in it - all the things you've commented on, here in the forums..... And even mentioning "one of your Friends" from The States. :cool: I'm trying to absorb all the information, while weeding out the new things.

Great Job!!!!!!! Both the Railroad and the article!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Thanks a lot my good friends.

Mikey, didn't know it was on sale yet so I expect I shall receive a couple soon.
Cheers all
When I was too young to really appreciate what I was looking at, my older brother showed me some of his magazines featuring articles of John Allen's layouts. Now I get to really appreciate it all over again in Shamus's magazine articles and examples of his work here. Second time around is just as inspiring as the first time. Thanks for all the sharing of your hard work and gifts, Shamus.
The cover shot is beautiful............but the photos inside are even better!!!!:wave: :wave: :wave:

My first reaction was wow! the March issue is actually out in March!...........then I found out there was no Jan., and Feb. issues.
It would have been worth the wait...but I didn't have to wait:thumb:
Hi Pete,
Thanks mate, I haven't got the magazine as yet, (In the post) so I don't know what photos were in fact used inside.