Jaybats S.I.D

peter taft

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2010
Well i gave the model a quick build to see how she blows. I used only cheap card stock for the build - i have ran out of the good quality. The model isn't too bad, but needs some work doing on the design. She need tidying up a wee bit. The front end {globe} needs serious work - if i get some time, and the designer doesn't mind {i will ask} i will give it a MAKE OVER - the globe front could do with being a PETAL type of structure to make a smoother appearance - or a ping-pong-ball could be substituted. Lots of areas for up-grades, but i have just built this so she can be seen AS IS ! Like i say, with some extra time and effort, good old S.I.D could most certainly be made into a super model... all the panels could be 3D and other refinements. Hope you like the piccys - Sorry about the clutter on the rear view, but had little time to mess about. I will come back to this and give her some love and care, i will up-load the up-grades as soon as they are available for everyone here to have a crack at. Regards. Pete.

PS. She is a good size to display 10" x 6" {inch} approx


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Geeze Louise Pete! That is really nice looking. I was so young when UFO came on, I wish they'd run it again. I am sad that the foresight they had in that show was not adapted by the current space programs, especially the attire, it's just not fair the way women are treated today:mrgreen:!


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Lt Gay Ellis played by the lovely Gabrielle Drake what further reason was needed for space travel.
Lt Gay Ellis played by the lovely Gabrielle Drake what further reason was needed for space travel.

Well, I must say that if she were on board my ship, I don't think I would have gone anywhere! Exploration, of Space anyways, would have ceased.:p
Hey.... exploration would still have gone on, i mean, you need to know how EVERYTHING reacts in deep space :twisted: You guys crack me up :mrgreen: Glad you like the model chaps :thumb: The S.I.D MODEL.... tsk tsk, keep it clean eh ! :mrgreen:
I never knew Ms. Drake's name. I've tried to write about 10 sentences so far and each one kept degrading or leading somewhere............damn, sentence 11, I'm going to just let it go now.:rolleyes::p:twisted:
I never knew Ms. Drake's name. I've tried to write about 10 sentences so far and each one kept degrading or leading somewhere............damn, sentence 11, I'm going to just let it go now.:rolleyes::p:twisted:

Let it go....? Ummm, me thinks you need her address - which is.... TO BE CONTINUED, in YOUR dreams :twisted:
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Geeze Louise Pete! That is really nice looking. I was so young when UFO came on, I wish they'd run it again. I am sad that the foresight they had in that show was not adapted by the current space programs, especially the attire, it's just not fair the way women are treated today:mrgreen:!

I think this is the video that those still frames came from :thumb:

Lt. Ellis would have received a promotion if I were in charge. I wonder if she could have piloted a B-52. I would have liked to see her in the "Buff".:mrgreen:
here zathros for your you to "dream" about

WARNING NSFW and contains nudity !!!!!

edited fantastic link, but contained adult oriented subjects booked marked for future reference:twisted:
Kind of funny when you thin about the prevalent of plastics in members of the opposite sex it is pretty obvious from all of the "natural" photos of Ms. Drake floating around, as the Brits say, she was quite fit, wasn't she!
Kind of funny when you thin about the prevalent of plastics in members of the opposite sex it is pretty obvious from all of the "natural" photos of Ms. Drake floating around, as the Brits say, she was quite fit, wasn't she!

You can say that again mate - VERY fit :thumb:
Peter, remember back in the Summer of 1973 when all the gals were sporting those bluish-grey nylons? I was about 16 years old. I was staying in Salford, outside of Manchester. Those were the days! I came back to the states. That never caught on here. It was post '60's, early '70's and girls had stopped shaving their legs and armpits! Half of the time you had to turn them around (or over) to make sure they were girls!!
I remember the heatwave of 76 and what a genius the man that gave us a sunken court for the girls netball practice was
Peter, remember back in the Summer of 1973 when all the gals were sporting those bluish-grey nylons? I was about 16 years old. I was staying in Salford, outside of Manchester. Those were the days! I came back to the states. That never caught on here. It was post '60's, early '70's and girls had stopped shaving their legs and armpits! Half of the time you had to turn them around (or over) to make sure they were girls!!

Hey John - 1973 is one of the BEST YEARS i ever had. I'd been into SLADE since late 1969, and they had some of their most memorable hits in '72 - '73, i bet you can remember "Merry Christmas Everybody" from that year, and a firm favourite every year since. Still into those, although they aren't "as one" now, and Noddy does other things. I had my first paper round {for one day} had a really serious accident the day after i got it - was off school for 3 months recuperation. Started to get to know about the birds and bees - which i think we all did. Things were soooo different, those nylons you mention didn't stay for too long here really, the girls soon realised what "black nylons" did for the guys - can't go to far into that on this thread :eek: {keep it clean} :twisted: Although a few personal disasters and losts loves {girl friends} My very sad time over a teacher leaving our School... OMG, i was in love with her - so too was all my pals. The Years of the "Pans People" from Top of the pops making everyone's look in more enjoyable :twisted: Sex aint everthing, but in youth, it's all we guys ever thought about - some girls weren't so prim and proper either. The nights when the horn sounded, announcing the arrival of the "CHIP VAN" - those were the best chips ever :thumb: The afternoons with the "Bell ringing - announcing the arrival of the coal wagon :thumb: those days everything and almost everyone got along ticketyboo, these days the communities lack trust and spirit to join in with each other's interests is saddening. I am sooooo proud to have been apart of the SEVENTIES - and THANK GOD for our GERRY and SILVIA ANDERSON making those years {and earlier years} so very good - i better stop now, i am getting very emotional :eek:ops:
I remember the heatwave of 76 and what a genius the man that gave us a sunken court for the girls netball practice was

I'd been in work for approx a year then, what a scorcher - most of the Dams were critically low, they were on about starting up some De-salitation plants it was sooo bad. The councils were issuing warnings and summons for anyone caught watering a garden or washing their car - and rightly so. When it finally rained, i stood for hours getting drenched, and thanked God for the moment.
I got on a train and a couple of transfers and things I barely remember, I ended up in Glossop. I remember the train going over this incredible high trestle and a valley below. I was trying to find that but I am getting kicked off the computer by my wife. Ironically, on a walk through the beautiful countryside that begins outside of Glossop I had my first kiss and it wasn't with my wife, so I had better go as my life is in my hands right now.bye!!!!