Jaybats Republic Star Destroyer colored

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You may well be right there Jay. Though I'm too busy and in experianced in Meta for anything like that at the moment. If you think you'd need them for anything you're working on, I could send them to you if you don't already have them?? They're in 3DS.
Mind if I throw this into the downloads area? Its a super model and I think it might get a little better visibility in the download area :)

That goes for anyone that might have some models attached to threads :)
Mind if I throw this into the downloads area? Its a super model and I think it might get a little better visibility in the download area :)

That goes for anyone that might have some models attached to threads :)

Not at all, go right ahead.

As for as other paint schemes all I can find out about is the imperial venator class, which is all grey. If anyone wants this model with another color instead red on the hull let me know, I can change it and send one.

As for as battle damage, I cant get anything to look right in paint.net. If anyone has an idea on how to do it let me know.
yes, yes ! looks awsome , i really like jaybats models (just finished the nx-01 shuttle and bussy with the cylone raider ) so cant wait to build this one , thanks to you both
The model doesn't really have instructions. With the super structure, I put numbers to show what order I thought it was the easiest to build it in.
This is the only one that I am aware of. It comes from Jay's Box of Sci-Fi CardToys (I can't post live links yet because I'm a newbie, but do a Google search and you'll find it easy enough).
I just wish his download site (savefiles) would get back up so I could download some of his models. Looks like he has some great stuff out there. Thanks for dropping the Republic Star Destroyer into the downloads folder here at Zealot!
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