Japanese N Scale Railroads


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
:wave: Just checking to see if anyone in this section is modelling Japanese N Scale. Just getting started and have some Kato track and a Kato 100 Shin 6 car set, a Modemo tram set, and a Kato diesel loco and various 4 wheel rolling stock. Need ideas on building Japanese structures from scratch. Not much available in the USA in N Scale Japanese structures. I also need some more Kato track if anyone has surplus to sell. :confused:

Living in Cajun Country of Louisiana of all places:thumb:
Thanks for the note Screwysquirrel. I am aware of the Kato stuff. I have catalogs of Kato, Tomix, and Greenmax and was just wondering if other structures were available. Also would like to do some paper modelling of Japanese structures and maybe some scratchbuildings if I could find some plans, etc. of some of the structures.

excellent site!!!
i was thinking of doing a japanese layout too.
i've put it on the back burner though....and concentrating on the early steam.
since right now i don't have the space to run a full length shinkansen (my fav. is the 500) properly.
Gavin Miller said:
Doug's just in the process of modifying "Setagaya" to include an elevated Shinkansen line.

Also worth doing a "search" on The Gauge using keyword "Japanese". You will find some other threads here where Doug has shared photos of his efforts.


In case you did not see this in another thread, the extended version (#4) of the layout has now been to two exhibitions, and won 'Best Exhibit' at Canberra.

There are lots of new pictures on the home page, including the new Bullet train line ...


Thanks for all the comments :thumb:
redracer said:
There is a Japanese interest group starting up in the Washington DC area, if anyone is around there ...


Those are the fellas at Japan Rail Modelers of Washington DC, who I've had the pleasure of meeting the last two train shows at the Timonium Fairgrounds in Baltimore the last few months, and who I personally hold responsible for giving me the Shinkansen bug at first sight, and forcing me to dive headfirst into this hobby.
Other than that, they're a bunch of swell people.