Japanese layout in Australia ...


Jan 10, 2003
Sydney, Australia

I recently 'finished' an exhibition layout that the readers of this forum may be interested in. When I say 'finished', it was only to an acceptable point for public viewing, and I have a lot more plans in the pipeline !!! I would be interested in any comments and are happy to answer any questions ....

I can't seem to be able to post pictures here, so you can see it on it's own web page ...


or if that redirected page does not work for you, you can link to it from my main home page ...


You should have posted at least one "teaser" to show off your excellent layout (just use the "Browse" button below the message box to attach a .jpg file from your own hard drive).

For those interested in urban modelling this layout of Doug's is a "must see". He has captured a little slice of urban Japan.

I have taken the liberty of posting an overall layout photo for you Doug (hope that's OK).


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Originally posted by Gavin Miller

You should have posted at least one "teaser" to show off your excellent layout (just use the "Browse" button below the message box to attach a .jpg file from your own hard drive).

For those interested in urban modelling this layout of Doug's is a "must see". He has captured a little slice of urban Japan.

I have taken the liberty of posting an overall layout photo for you Doug (hope that's OK).

No problem putting up the picture Gavin; but as I said, I tried to attach a picture using the method you describe, and it just ignored me !!!!

To answer other posters questions, the bronze hexagonal building and the rectangular black one are by Altas, the gray one in the corner is Bachmann (HO!!!), and the double yellow/beige ones are by Tomix. They are all kits ...
Hi Doug!
That's somne of the best urban scenery I've seen!
So much detail...so crowded together...just like the real thing!
Excellent job!
Originally posted by Charlie
Hi Doug!
That's somne of the best urban scenery I've seen!
So much detail...so crowded together...just like the real thing!
Excellent job!

Thanks. Form the web page, there is a link at the bottom giving access to a page where I show most of the buildings individually, and what company they come from, how I modified them etc.

Here is a closerup picture of the LH side ...


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My son lived in Japan for awhile,and your layout certainly brings back a few memories of my visit to Japan, You modeled it to a "T' Well done and so many photos on your web site!!! whilest there I traveled in a lot of trains including the Bullet Train from Kyoto to Tokio
Thanks Jimmy B.

The first Japanese layout I did (Nihon Mokei Tetsudo - you can see it from the Japanese-Trains.com web page) did not really look like Japan, as at that stage I had not been there to see the 'real' thing (been there twice now :)

The Setagaya layout is currently torn up for remodelling, but there are more detail photos I have taken that are not on the web page. I can post them here as an 'exclusive', if anyone wants to see them ???
Here is the latest status of the layout - the backboard has been removed and I have been trying out what I can fit on the extended section (green). You can see that some of the buildings are in different places.


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Here is the other end ... eventually the whole top section will come off, so I can build the new frame work. The main board will still be the same size, so I can fit it into my trailer, but there will be a 300mm extension board on each end. The new frma will be made of 240mm timber rather than 140mm, so i can fit the subway line underneath.


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Originally posted by Gavin Miller
That's looking good Doug.

I look forward to seeing shots of your subway in operation.

Does the real Setagaya have a subway or are you employing a little modeller's "licence"?

Please post those other detail shots you referred to earlier. I would love to see them.


The main Tokyu Den'en-toshi line that runs from Shibuya to Chuo-rinkan, while not officially a 'subway' line, IS underground at Sangenjaya, where the Setagaya line starts. My station on the layout, whatever it is called, is not a terminus, and I will not be running Tokyu trains in the subway section. Also there is an overhead track at Yamashita, of the Odakyu Railway, but I will not be running Odakyu trains on it, and it is not close to where the Tokyu underground line is, so I guess 'modellers licence' would be a good explanation :D

Here is a map, if anyone is interested (the yellowone is the Setagaya line) ...


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