It's Wednesday, Have A Donut Or 2 & A Cup Or 3

Shay Driver

New Member
Sep 5, 2002
Kyle, Texas
Visit site
Howdy Everybody,

English muffins and doughnuts today, along with 3 hots
and a cold (not in a chest). :p

Hi John Albee, welcome aboard. :cool: Debbie rescued
all of the mugs, so yours is in here someplace. :D

HopefulAlan, if'n that there pole cap is a followin' yur
foot, it just might be yur foot that's a stinkin'. :( :( :eek: :eek: :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

Eightyeight check with Debbie on the Band-Aid, she's in
charge of the first-aid kit (she volunteered). :eek: :D

Good Morning, Nelson, all the ole coots!

Ya, Nelson, in his case I guess it is flippers. From
what I understand, from the lake rumor mill, he
wears them all the time, even sleeping among
other things. Feels it helps his image!
Rusty, what other things does he sleep among? :confused: :eek: :p :D

Nelson, flippers ain't all at this time of year.
Sunday, I also had on my sub-zero hood and ski-type
mask. It was an awe-inspiring spectacle. Folks lined
the shorline for miles just to get a glimpse as I went
roaring by. Of course, I did get a little nervous when I
saw the sunlight glinting off the glass elements of their
Casey I haven't a thing to say. :D :D :D :rolleyes: :D :D :D I can't stop laughing long enough to think. :D :D :D :rolleyes: :D :D :D

The BLUE NOTE is open today. :cool: :cool:

I hope that there is a train in your day.
Morning all.
I'll take the english muffins (with jam) and a hot coffee.
I've tied Sherry up outside but no doubt she will slip the leash and clear the rest out - she is starving, its been a long time since she got into the Brakeroom and she is missing all her friends.
She also wants to wash the cups up (except mine)!
I know i might have confused you by the new handle but its still me.
:) ;)
Howdy Ho, good neighbor!

(now where have I heard that before...hmmm. Oh well....)

The more the merrier! Glad you finally found your way here, Brian.

Time for a small break. Been working on some chat server software, and I need a time out. LOL!

Mmmmm. A couple donuts and some tea, thank you.

Well, gonna go back to the computer some more.

Y'all have a good day.

I wonder if this is another icky day for us in Missouri..... :(

Howdy Hi y'all,

Dadgum it Nelson, if you wasn't right! I took off my shoes and smelt my socks and you're right - they flat out stink! I guess I'm gonna have to change them socks even though they're only 6 months old.:p

Reckon I'll have one of them there English muffins, 'specially if you got some of that fancy marmylade to slather on it. And coffee - lots of coffee! Been burnin' the lamp late polishin' up the layout design.

Brian, good to see you found us again!

Y'all have a good day now, y' hear? Me, I gotta turn my chair and watch trains go by the window for a while.
Good morning folks,

A nice hot cup of coffee would do me good this morning. It’s a wet and raw day here in the Delaware Valley. Hopefully this rain will be gone by tomorrow night so the kids can go out and trick or treat. I have got training for the next three days at work. I will need lots of coffee and sugar to survive.

No modeling last night maybe I will get some done tonight.

Well I hope everyone has a good day.
Afternoon all, "English muffins " now your talking, all I need with that is a Pint Mug of Tea.

Just came in from feeding the cows and I will take a looooong hottttttt cup of anything. It is about 12 degrees here with a 15 mph wind out of the north. Cold enough to freeze a witches .....well, something or other!

Check out the Blue Note this week!:D
ehhh, what was that, Dave? Freeze a teacher's wit? :eek: :rolleyes: :D :D :D

Good morning, everyone. You, too, Rusty! :p

Well, it's another loverly day here in the Heartland. 8 straight days of temps in the 40's and drizzle mixed with occasional rain. My joints are beginning to rust. :( :eek: :eek: :( The local weather weenies say we might see the sun by the weekend. And we may have snow flurries Halloween night. Like I said, it's loverly here in the Heartland.

I bought a bundle of fan-folded 2' X 4' X 1/4" sheets of pink foam yesterday. I'm going to experiment with cutting and layering individual sheets for a scenic base and roadbed.

Have a good one, everyone. You, too, Rusty! :p
Good morning all,

Running a bit late today. End of the month and the state auto inspection needed to be done. We have ALL of that midwestern cold, wet, rainy, cloudy, misty mess now and it doesn't seem to want to leave.

I'll just have a hot English muffin and some coffee to warm up.

Almost finished the feeder drops last night until the red wires started looking like the black wires. I am almost afraid to go down there and see what I did.

Have a good day!!!:) :)
Originally posted by Shay Driver

Rusty, what other things does he sleep among? :confused: :eek: :p :D

Well Nelson, now understand this is just rumors, but I've heard throught the RR grapevine that he don't take them flippers of for any reason.:eek: :eek: :p :D :D Tales tell that he has a hard time running through the woods chasing his dog dressed that way. Why one time he done fell down a hill and couldn't stop his self. Dang dog stood there watchin him the high taled it back home. Must have scared the begebez out of him. They say you could hear him howling for miles. Feedwater that is not the dog!:eek: :D :p :eek:
You all had better watch it, or I'll repost that whole sad story about the psycho store clerk. :eek: :eek: :eek: :D

I'm still waiting for someone to ask Rusty what the name of his favorite baseball team is....

....and his favorite football team....

... and the name of the world's most powerful naval vessel....

hehehehe :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Casey Feedwater
You all had better watch it, or I'll repost that whole sad story about the psycho store clerk. :eek: :eek: :eek: :D

I'm still waiting for someone to ask Rusty what the name of his favorite baseball team is....

....and his favorite football team....

... and the name of the world's most powerful naval vessel....

hehehehe :D :D :D :D


So Rusty what the name of your favorite baseball team?

....and favorite football team?

... and the name of the world's most powerful naval vessel?

Sick minds want to know!!!:p :rolleyes:
Originally posted by NYCentral


So Rusty what the name of your favorite baseball team?

....and favorite football team?

... and the name of the world's most powerful naval vessel?

Sick minds want to know!!!:p :rolleyes:

Ok, here goes,

Baseball --- Boston Red Sox all the way.:p

Football --- Notra Dame of course!:D

Naval vessal --- probably the USS Nimitz maybe the USS Kennedy!

Nothing hiding there. But sick minds also have cobwebs!
:eek: :rolleyes:
A lil' late here this AM. A hot cuppa is jus' what I need.:)

Good t' see ya John, and this here breakroom crowd is as on'ry as ever, what with 6 month ol' sox, and Casey's hat runnin' around, we got ourselves some challenges.:D ;)
Originally posted by Rusty Stumps

Ok, here goes,

Baseball --- Boston Red Sox all the way.:p

Football --- Notra Dame of course!:D

Naval vessal --- probably the USS Nimitz maybe the USS Kennedy!

Nothing hiding there. But sick minds also have cobwebs!
:eek: :rolleyes:

Oh, really :eek: :rolleyes: I heard the answers are

the Pirates
the Stealers (note spelling!)
the HMS Bill Gates... what is it that it does to pirates in the "Bay?":D :D :D :D