Its Monday 12-19-05, Weekend modeling accomplishments!


Another Fried Egg Fan
Oct 15, 2002
Drexel Hill, PA
We had some what of a tough weekend with my father-in-law being taken to the hospital with pneumonia. He is currently undergoing treatment and recovering. The weather was pretty good all weekend and we were able to keep the kids busy and our minds off my father-in-law by doing the normal bi weekly grocery shopping and some Christmas shopping.

Modeling also helped with getting through the weekend as I finished weathering the wheels for the second CNJ covered hopper. I also painted the undercarriage for the Sun Oil tanker. I also attached a light over the back door of the farm house. I am hoping the Kadee couplers I ordered come soon so I can finish the covered hopper and tank car. My son and I also ran some trains under the Christmas tree.
Sorry to hear that Tom, hope he is out and healthy soon. :wave:

As for my modelling, it is Christmas and I have to work 6 days a week at the store. :(

My next project on the layout will be replacing the Atlas Snap Switches with Pecos and installing my Christmas present from my wife. She gave me 14 Caboose Ground Throws and 14 Tortoise Switches. Now I have to figure out how to mount and wire those little turtles. :D
I finished the Christmas shopping and did little else.
The small amount of modeling I did was work on my DPM cycle shop details and draw out the plans for a new building that I eed to finish an area beside the cycle shop so I can get some ground cover and scenery down.
Due to last Friday's ice storm I was able to play around with the layout. Was able to continue laying track and making plans for a future turntable. Swapped out some hornhooks with Kadees. Replaced some plastic wheels with metal ones. Started to install a few bridges, which will have to be modified (of course) to fit. Played musical chairs with some buildings and ran a rather short train back and forth over the layout with the grandaughter.:thumb:

Humm, the layout still looks the same!:confused:
well this week end to things got plasterd, my mates lounge room walls, and us....

could not tell you which was more fun, plastering the walls. or getting plasterd my self, but I did enjoy doing both... still more renovating to do.... ow! my acking head. I would like to take the oppertunity to wish all a verry merry christmas, and happy, healthy new year........steve

A little late for weekend comments, but I'm going "full blast" turning my "Plywood Flats" into a New Mexico desert. Gotta get some scenicking done before I can proceed with further construction. So the foam is flying and the plaster (the white kind...) is turning flats into mountains.

Got to run to get a jump on it before Christmas grinds things down to a halt!

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!! Be safe and enjoy your loved ones.

Gus (LC&P).