Its Monday 10-10-05, Weekend modeling accomplishments!


Another Fried Egg Fan
Oct 15, 2002
Drexel Hill, PA
We had a busy weekend here. Saturday in the pouring rain my son played football as the Drexel Hill Raiders Pee Wee AA defeated Ridley Park Parkers 20-0. He did not play on Sunday as the AAA game with Chichester was canceled due to the rain and the field conditions. We continued getting the kitchen ceiling ready for painting which I hope to do today. Then there was the shopping.

Speaking of shopping I did get to the LHS and picked up the two Red Caboose LNE boxcars I had ordered. Other than that I got almost nothing done. I did starting fiddling with the gondola kits.
I picked up some 2'x4' handy panels at the local Depot, time to create a junction or two.

I've been experimenting with ballast again. I've never been happy with the store stuff. It just never seemed quite right way too uniform. Probably because I've walked a lot of track line over the years ;-).
Let's see:

The weather was perfect for modeling, cold & rainy but what did I do! Just about everything else but model. Another lost modeling weekend.

I did manage to run trians while doing other things.
I did work on some engines and cars a little but that's it!!-

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!-
I spent Saturday at a swap meet, sunday working on the car, replacing the driver's side door handle.
Monday, well, we Canadians have a long weekend so I've been working on my enginehouse model, specificaly scratchbuilding the windows using clear acetate, very small styrene strip and thin drafting tape to mark the individual window panes, I've gotten three down and five more to go.
well I had all attentions of doing a lot of train stuff, this week end, but did nothing of the sort. The only thing I did with trains was to send 77railer a model of the COOMA MAIL, for a display at his school... hope every one had a good weekend..steve
I for one am going to stop posting plans and just blab on monday what I did or didn't do. :D

Saturday after getting a blood draw to check my diabetes I took the TTRAK layout to a local hobbyshop for their annual Hobby Expo.Aside from freezing my caboose (we were set up outside) We had a great time and possibly gained some new members to our group.

Sunday ,once I got my butt thawed out I got one side of the first GVR SD40-2's road number done and also got one side of the third C30-7 done.I'm working on the other side of both units while I'm typing this missive about what I did/didn't do.

One last item,bo modules got any work done on them,but both trains that we ran saturday ran for 5 hours without a single problem. :D :D :D